EeK!! Had a funny day...


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Went out ot clip my mates new horse, and got laughed at a bit as wanted to check that he wasnt scared of the clippers both off and on etc, and cos I was in steel toe capped boots and a riding het etc!!

All was going well until we did his chest, and he shook his head up and it came cracking down on my head and the clippers slipped and cut him
, !! The amount of blood ws quite a lot for what it was, but there was a tiny flap of skin handing down - eek!! - about the size of as finger nail, so cleaned it up and stuff and applied salve. This was after being informed of how he has unblemished legs etc (so glad the legs didnt need done!!)

Then we went to ride, and I got to ride her origional horse that is for sale. I rode him before and he is only 16.2hh but I was bricking myself as he was soo bouncy before. Well!! There has been a girl from my work who was looking for a horse to ride and so has been schooling him, what a difference! He didnt pull as much and was a lot less on the forehand and driving like a truck, and his trot was more rythmical!! So My confidence grew, and when we went out on a wee hack he was a bit skittish and I wasn't phased (before I was ina cold sweat). Even when he got excited and joggy, I stayed calm!

I know it seems small but given that I was almost in tears a few times as my confidence has completely gone, I feel more confident and ablt to achieve something, and so really looking forward to my boyu coming home
. I might even manage a canter in a field - maybe!

Sorry for the drivel, but just really happy! Too bad knees are in agony - not been on a horse since Aug and I have very down heels!