Egypt horses at the Pyramids - vet/horsecare team


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15 February 2005
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Hi all, Im in New Zealand, and early next year we are sending up a team of vets, nurses, and horse savvy people to work with the horses/donkeys/camels/cats/dogs that are in need. We are taking up sponsored vet products, and also halters, bridles, bits, dog collars etc.

We are working in with an Egyptian charity, plus have a few local supporters who are helping out with logistics etc.

We have set up a facebook page to follow our plans...would appreciate people checking into the page and spreading the word about what is going on in Egypt - starving horses, lack of veterinary care etc.

And if anyone knows an equine dentist who might like to meet us over there for a week or two...there is a dire need for this. Both to educate locals on dental care, but also to work on some of the horses. Sorry its not a paid trip, its totally voluntary. We are fundraising down here to pay for our trip and also to be able to take a large amount of vet products with us.

Thanks in advance, hope you can check out our page ;-)!/pages/Kiwi-Care-Team/101972896583905


Well-Known Member
21 May 2011
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That's wonderful news. I've been following the ESMA and PFK pages for months. Will deff join yours. It's heartbreaking stuff - good on you all. Wishing u the best of luck xx


New User
15 February 2005
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Hiya, the page is Kiwi Care Team

There was a link to it on the esma page, and also you can find it via the fb page of Kiwi Sporthorses Limited .

We too have been following via ESMA and PFK pages, and finally just decided to go for it. It's now snowballed, and I'm having all sorts of offers of help come in which is just brilliant!