Hear hear, well said Alec.
The arrogance of these people in claiming parliamentary privilege and that it was a 'mistake' when they were caught out in their fraud is staggering. Normal people manage quite easily to fill in expenses claim forms and keep the appropriate receipts and as these people are publicly funded it is even more imperative that they are open and transparent.
Its so disgusting to know that a massive percentage of this country live well below the poverty line, and fat cats like this get a slap on the wrist and a 'dont do it again, it'll all be forgotten in a week''!
The word "Anger", doesn't begin to address how I feel about such people. Remove all assets, and put them onto a state pension. Let's see how they like that.
Prison, and not just a token internment. Lock up those, who through fraud, betray the trust of the electorate. All of them.
I've just read a quote from Morley's barrister, to wit; "It isn't a matter of if he goes to prison, but for how long".
I rarely derive any degree of pleasure from another man's discomfort, but EXCELLENT!!
.......I wonder if any of the stolen money was donated to the league or similar?
We can all take comfort from the fact he deprived us of our liberty to hunt and now he will be deprived of his liberty.
Perhaps on reflection he is unsuitable for the pigs at Ford Open Pris
I wonder if any of the stolen money was donated to the league or similar?
Oh Pigs ain`t fussy about what they eat JM,and they love a bit of flesh.
Remember the scene in Hannibal (sequel to Silence of the Lambs) where Verger gets eaten alive by his piggie-wigs!
Come on -sorry to say this but... you're all delusional if you think he'll get any type of custodial sentence. He'll get banned from owning a sandwich for a year and community service of being sent abroad to scuba dive. Now that's justice (I'm afraid)!