Encouraging horse to flex at poll


Active Member
24 October 2005
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Would appreciate any pointers as got some dressage coming up soon (haven't done anything for 2 years due to tendon probs).

My mare's always been a stresshead and inclined to go above the bit and recoil her neck at you but recently she's been so eager to please and is in a reasonable (still slightly overkeen) outline after only about 15 mins at night (a world record for us), powering her little (20 yr) old legs along quite nicely.

My problem at the mo is she goes on to become overbent, she's tracking up so nicely underneath I don't want to adjust her too much but just need her up a little bit in the front and flexing at the poll. I get her to work long and low, do all lateral moves etc. and have tried changing tempo but she gets even more excited and low. It's such a novel experience for me feeling her back end working and her letting go of herself (loves recoiling her neck at you usually) so I don't want to tell her it's wrong, we just need that little tweak.

My own position is fairly good these days (for someone stuck at a desk all day!) and I've had lessons with a TTT trainer but can't afford any at the mo.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thx a lot

P.S. My mare is fit as a fiddle, 15.2 with a shortish neck, no probs health anywhere at the mo and has the body of a horse half her age (apart from the grey hair!)


Well-Known Member
10 February 2004
To get mine to flex at the poll, my instructor makes me half half up (really exaggerated at first, hand right up) on the inside rein. I can't explain it very well withouth showing you, I hope you get what I mean, it does work as she can get very tense at the poll too but can also recoil her neck like yours and this doesn't cause her to do it. Don't hang on to the inside rein though just a quick half halt untill she lets go then push back into the outside hand keeping her round your inside leg (lost of spiral cirles, leg yielding out).