Well-Known Member
Hi to cut a long story short my mare had op on her left hind leg for annular ligament and manica flexoria at Newmarket 3wks ago,came home 2wks ago and everything was going fine until a week ago she became very lame so vet was called and they have said it is bandadge sores as she has had an enormous bandadge on which has been gradually reduced in size every 3 days,so the decision was made to remove the bandadge a week early than planned and she was crossed tied for 3 days,but today vet was due back to access and told us not to give bute last night and this morn so nothing masked her examination and she was really uncomfortable wouldnt weight bear through not having the bute vet said oh yes it was still from the bandadge rubs and to carry on giving bute!! tonight after having 2 bute after the vet visit today she is still so uncomfortable,sorry for rambling but my question to you all is if you have had any experience with bandadge rubs are they normally this sore and lame im so worried that there is something else going on!!!