Equestrian dating site?


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8 June 2010
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Evening :) finding my single again I'm interested to see if there's a demand for a 'proper' equestrian dating site?

All the ones that exist just seem to be linked to mainstream sites and there's no dedicated site for is crazy horse lovers :)

If so, how much would you pay to use the service?


Well-Known Member
17 May 2013
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I've been thinking about this recently, how amazing would it be to meet someone who's horsey? I'd definitely be interested in one ;)


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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If you manage to find the right one you can turn a non horsey one into one that's interested in horses :)

Met mine on pof, been together 6 months now, he often asked after H, then came to meet him having never been around horses and over the summer has watched some of my lessons, H was apprehensive at first as he's scared of men but now goes over to him and let's him stroke him! Even got him grooming H the other day! Don't think I'll get him riding or mucking out but the fact he takes an interest is enough for me :)


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25 August 2015
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I'd rather have a none horsey one that I can break in my way than one that is already horsey and has 'opinions' ;)


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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I'd rather have a none horsey one that I can break in my way than one that is already horsey and has 'opinions' ;)

Agree. Ideally you want one who adores you enough to stand in the peeing wet at shows to pass you a rug, poo pick your horse and buys you appropriate gifts such as rugs and saddles.

Can't think of much worse than having to fight over who is being the groom that day :D


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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Personally I wouldn't want a guy who was too horsey and who took over and was opinionated in how I look after my horse. That said I guess it would be useful if you were ill or away for whatever reason knowing he was in safe hands (not sure about the horse though lol)


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I was on a horsey one and my first private message was a very explicit one about riding something that was not a horse. Thus ended my dabble in dating sites.



Well-Known Member
9 March 2016
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I was on a horsey one and my first private message was a very explicit one about riding something that was not a horse. Thus ended my dabble in dating sites.

HAHA I am sorry but that just made me LOL! I hope you have had some better luck since then!


Well-Known Member
6 February 2012
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Can recommend POF... I went looking for a nice farmer type that liked the outdoors!
Ended up with a piano loving outdoor hating chap!
We are due to get married next year lol!
Sometimes I think it would be great I'd we could go out a wee hack together. Then other times I KNOW he would drive me insane! It just makes the time we have together better :)


Well-Known Member
5 September 2013
Horses are definitely NOT my hubby's thing and he says he has great respect for them (ie. doesn't want to get within 10 meters of one) which was fine by me, it's good to have different interests. However, he's been surprising me more and more by wanting to tag along to the yard and helping with chores and sometimes *GASP* holding my mare's leadrope. The day he asks if he can climb on board I'll be over the moon.

The most important thing for me and a must though is that he understands why I want to be around horses when frankly, there's much cheaper and safer and more sensible hobbies I could've picked. Also, him not knowing much about horses is handy when I tell him my horse 'needs' something from the new spring catalogue that just arrived ;)


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006
never again do I want a partner who 'likes' horses. My ex husband decided he did, had lessons with me, mucked out with me, hack out with me. In fact he stuck to me like glue........ i could not get away from him at all. Clingy, and ever present. And he really had no idea. We got divorced :) I then met someone who after 12 months decided he would buy a property with land for us, so I could have my horses at home. It was lovely, he learned to ride, I taught him on one of my horses. He went to South Africa to work and I put him in touch with some horse people over there, he had an affair with one, came back and ended it, that was fine, but he tried to claim my horse as his own. And I had to hide them in a different county to avoid him keeping him, and selling him. So beware the horsey OH is not all its cracked up to be.


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8 April 2015
East Lancashire
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Blinkin' Eck! Though it used to annoy me, my husbands reluctance to be the slightest bit involved with my horsey life suits me fine. I do sometimes wish he could muster the desire to come and watch me ride, but having asked many times I have given up. To demonstrate exactly how much he doesn't want to know - we lived at the yard for a month earlier this year looking after the place and the horses (one of which is mine). Not once did he put on his wellies and come outside and help (even if it meant dinner would be later because I was doing it all by myself). He does however pay for the livery, so that's fine by me.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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So beware the horsey OH is not all its cracked up to be.
Just to balance this out......
I met my wife through horses 27 years ago. We both used the same transporter to get to comps.
I know horses are a life style so dont moan about the amount of time she spends at the yard even though I no longer ride.
When she goes away for a weekend she knows the horse will be looked after the way she wants them to be and can trust that I would spot the slightest problem.
I understand the need for 300 different rugs.
I understand the need to call the vet out at 6am on sunday morning just for peace of mind.
I make a good sounding board when talking through a problem.
I can call a dressage test better than most.
I make a good crash test dummy for potential horse purchase or if one is a little on the fresh side.
I can help exercise if time is short.
I make a good lorry driver and groom.
I understand why our home fridge is empty yet the horse feed bins are full.
I understand why the house is less than perfect whilst the horses beds dont have a single shaving out of place.
I provide eyes on the ground when she's schooling.
I can talk common sense when needed but also agree the judge must have been watching a different test.
The list goes on.
On the flip side, she has never even seen my yacht (too busy with the horses). but I also understand that.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2015
East Lancashire
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Just to balance this out......
I met my wife through horses 27 years ago. We both used the same transporter to get to comps.
I know horses are a life style so dont moan about the amount of time she spends at the yard even though I no longer ride.
When she goes away for a weekend she knows the horse will be looked after the way she wants them to be and can trust that I would spot the slightest problem.
I understand the need for 300 different rugs.
I understand the need to call the vet out at 6am on sunday morning just for peace of mind.
I make a good sounding board when talking through a problem.
I can call a dressage test better than most.
I make a good crash test dummy for potential horse purchase or if one is a little on the fresh side.
I can help exercise if time is short.
I make a good lorry driver and groom.
I understand why our home fridge is empty yet the horse feed bins are full.
I understand why the house is less than perfect whilst the horses beds dont have a single shaving out of place.
I provide eyes on the ground when she's schooling.
I can talk common sense when needed but also agree the judge must have been watching a different test.
The list goes on.
On the flip side, she has never even seen my yacht (too busy with the horses). but I also understand that.

Wonderful :D
ETA - meant sincerely! Am not being a sarcastic wotsit :)


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
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My hubby is horsey and I love it :)

We both smell of horse so there are no complaints
He's semi retired so now does all the jobs during the week - I just rock up after work and ride!
He doesn't ride but he does drive horses so is happy to spend time long reining youngsters and now they aren't youngsters any more he will still long rein them out if I'm struggling for time.
He's an excellent foot soldier for getting youngsters to hack on their own.
He doesn't complain about how much I spend on stuff for the neds
He will drive me to places to ride and not complain
He doesn't moan that the house is dusty and the carpets are full of straw
He doesn't bother that I'm never 'nicely' dressed unless we are going out.

Yes we do have different opinions sometimes on just how things should be done but we don't argue about it - sometimes we compromise, sometimes we try each others ideas and see which works best :)


Well-Known Member
13 May 2008
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Lovehorse? muddy matches?

I met my wife on Lovehorse, but there were a lot of women on there who had no interest in horses, so I presume that they share their database with several other websites. One contacted me saying she had never ridden, but could she have a ride on my horse...


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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I put in a vote for non horsey OH. BUT they need an interest. Mine is a Golfer, when we met I would ride all weekend and he would golf. We met in the eve for dinner/going out etc. Neither of us complained the other was un available. It would never work with a footballer for example it had to be a sport that took all day!