6 February 2021 #1 J jaynee3 New User Joined 9 September 2020 Messages 8 Visit site I am looking at equine apprenticeships for next year. Just wanted to know does the employer pay the apprenticeship wage or the government pay ?
I am looking at equine apprenticeships for next year. Just wanted to know does the employer pay the apprenticeship wage or the government pay ?
6 February 2021 #2 H humblepie Well-Known Member Joined 5 February 2008 Messages 7,151 Visit site The employer pays but there are financial incentives for the employer. Not sure off hand what but the employer gets a lump sum reward essentially.
The employer pays but there are financial incentives for the employer. Not sure off hand what but the employer gets a lump sum reward essentially.
6 February 2021 #3 H HorsesRule2009 Well-Known Member Joined 8 September 2009 Messages 810 Visit site Take a look at Haddon training college they run very good apprenticeship, and have a lot of good yards working with them
Take a look at Haddon training college they run very good apprenticeship, and have a lot of good yards working with them