Equine Businesses - Help needed please


New User
6 May 2005
Chelmsford, Essex
Im not a businessey person at all.... Im on an equine degree not business but have to do an assignment on the organisational/legal structure of a business (preferably equine)
so I'm turning to people on here for help (pretty please....)

The report is to be on a business which employes the equivalent of 5 or more full time staff and has to include:

a description of the legal/business structure and implications for the organisation(....?)
an analysis of the organisational structure taking into acc the suitability of that structure for the environment in which it operates (again .......???)
a PEST analysis of the external environment (aaarggghhhh)

if anyone would be so kind as to let me ask questions about an equine business they run/own i would be ETERNALLY grateful as i am stuck for equine business to ask about!! a pint would be on if we ever met up too!!

Any kind of business that deals in some way with horses with 5 or more f/t emps.

Thank you all in advance i really appreciate it. the report will not include anything financial and everything will be dealt with in confidence.

My email is bendypaperclips@googlemail.com if you can help

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,



Well-Known Member
25 December 2004
back of beyond
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Ok, I'm in the process of writing a second year assignment for my BSc Equine Studies on a business plan for a 'new' made-up business.
Basically, the first point encompasses all legal types of business - sole trader, partnership, limited liability partnership, franchises, and the two different limited company types of public limited co and private limited co (feel free to poke me if I missed any, I don't understand business at all!). The implications would be that if you set up as a sole trader it is easier (less paperwork and registering co names etc) and you get to be your own boss and earn your own money etc, but the big BUT is that it has unlimited liability so your personal possessions can be siezed if your business goes under. Partnerships are similar as they are also unlimited liability, unless you set up an LLP. Co.s have more paperwork and legal requirements (such as a public accounts report for public co.s) but the owner(s) are protected as the business is a seperate entity. I think that's what the first point is asking for, the advantages and disadvantages of setting up as each type of business.
Don't understand the second point, sorry!
I have the PEST I did for 'my' business if you'd like to see it to give you ideas. Not that I pretend to know anything about business, because I really don't! I just have a lecturer that gives VERY pointed pointers on how to write our assignments!
Hope I helped in some way (and again, poke me if I got anything wrong or just confused you)!