Equine vets..


Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Hi all,
Not quite sure if this is the right place to post this...but here goes!
I'm i currently in year 10 and my dream job is an equine vet or physiotherapist. I was wondering if any vets or physiotherapist or anyone really, could tell me how they got to wear they have today or how to? like what did you have to study at uni A-level and things like that? I already take triple science so that's a start i guess!
Sorry for all the questions
Thank you:)


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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I'm only in the year above you but just a little pointer i have learnt over the years, if you go to uni interview and say ' my dream has always been to be an equine vet' they won't like it, however if you say that your dream has always been to be a vet, they'll like that. :) So you want to be a vet, not just horsey vet :) They get a lot of girls that have had ponies and go 'i always wanted to work with ponies and horses' well, in the first years you learn about smaller animals, normally cats and dogs, and you also practice stuff with cats and dogs. :) i haven't decided yet if i'd rather be a vet or forensic scientist but im finding out about both and taking 3 sciences and psychology at a level so i can do either :) good luck!


Well-Known Member
16 October 2011
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Sciences - biology and chemistry are a must, and physics is helpful too. Maths is usually a good option as well.
At uni they do specific veterinary courses. As far as I'm aware you will have to study general animals for the beginning of the course, and have the option to specialise later. The courses are very long though, longer than normal uni courses so be prepared for a lot of hard work!
I'm not a vet I just have a good friend who is training to be one :)
HS x


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7 March 2011
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Some years ago it was top grades in maths, biology and chemistry 'A' level. But things have changed a bit since my day!

not that much, you MUST have chemistry and biology and then you should have either physics OR maths and further maths. Grade A in at least biology and chemistry, can be a B in physics if you got an AorA* at gcse level, A in maths and at least B in further maths.
I suggest going on some uni websites and looking at their vet courses, thay are really helpful, tell you what their expectations are and what subjects are best :)


Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Thanks for replies:)
I love chemistry so will take that and of course biology as well! problem is maths is not but strongest subject at all!....
Shiny-ISH i have looked at some uni websites and have found that Lincoln (about 2hours away from here) and Aberystwyth University in wales do equine vet courses.
thanks for all help! x


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15 April 2007
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Don't do it. Dangerous job!

Not really, but just about to take dear OH (who is an equine vet) to A&E, again... Getting rather tedious now - can I get free hot chocolate as a frequent visitor please. Admittedly not just OH, have taken other vet casualties before now, but seems to be about once every 6 months...


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20 December 2009
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Hi, I think you will need very good A levels - at least all A's if not A*'s to get into Vet school. They are always over subscribed - so you need to stand out from the crowd. You will study the main vet degree and then specialise in horses later once you have qualified.

But more important is to get some practical experience in a vet practice, on a farm, or helping in a rescue centre, etc. Speak to your careers person at school - they may be able to help. Also speak very nicely to your vet and ask if you can see practice with them over the holidays. Keep a record of all that you do for your uni application - and be nice to your vet (cakes always help) so they will write a nice reference for you. The practical experience will also help you decide if the vet life is really for you! Good luck.

PS: also meant to say try to get experince will all types of vet practice, not just equine. Small animal (cats/ dogs, etc) and large animals (farm) as you will be expected to know about all of this at your uni interview.


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4 June 2006
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All I know is you need top grades to get into physiotherpay, I tried and failed to get into any course as there is about 300 people going for each uni and theres usually only 50places. Then people generally work with old people in hospital and unfortunatly I have known people have to "change" paients as nurses are just so busy. Then if you want to do horses you need to study furthur after that


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25 May 2010
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You need as much practical work experience as possible! Small animal vets, kennels, horses, farm, lambing, 1 day in an abbatior if you can. Anything else is a bonus ie zoo work. Alongside that you need top grades and a Passion. They are also looking for people skills now too, volunteering Rda might be a good one if you have any time left!

Physio, I believe you still have to do a human degree first then a top up to equine. Mctimmony you need a related degree then top up to Mctimmony animal.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Thank you for your replies:)
I currently volunteer at a dressage yard but hoping to volunteer somewhere else during summer next year (preferably somewhere vet related).
Will have to look into physio side a bit more.
wishful: :eek: wishing your OH a speedy recovery for his injury and you def deserve a free hot choccie!
Next year is my work experience week for 1/2 weeks i think, my auntie's friend is an equine vet and said i'm more than welcome to go with her, and in summer just go along to certain cases with her to see what its all bout and help her a bit too.


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24 August 2008
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I'm not sure what courses you were looking at for Lincoln and Aber etc, but the only uni's in the UK that offer veterinary are Liverpool, RVC (london), Bristol, Cambridge, Nottingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

As others have said - A-levels, chemistry and biology are musts, plus another science/maths (at a push you might get a way with an academic subject like English as a 3rd). The majority of people will get AAA (A* weren't around when I applied, not sure how they fit in now), but some uni's will offer AAB. I got into 3 of my 4 choices with AABB at AS level, I got AAA at A level but didn't matter in the end as my Liverpool offer (first choice) was AAB.

As well as good grades you also need lots of work ex (liverpool asks for 10 weeks, 4 weeks with vets and 6 weeks 'on farm' - lambing, dairy work etc), alot of practices will book up very early for work ex so there is no harm in organising stuff for the next 2 years now, try and get a mixture of vets, small animals/farm/equine.

As already mentioned, you can't just qualify as an equine vet, you qualify able to treat all species and then specialise. Very few new graduates will go straight into an equine only job as practices want experience, and it is becoming the trend for people to complete equine internships (a year of extra training at a uni/large private practice, where you work long hours for crap pay!) before getting a private practice job.


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7 June 2011
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The course at Aberystwyth is Equine Studies - this will not qualify you to be an equine vet.

oo silly me:rolleyes: I have there Book thing up-stairs with all there course info in it, will go have a read. RVC is only 20mins away from me! my cat when there when he had leukemia:(
Will do some more info.:)


Well-Known Member
21 August 2008
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I think that most people have covered the A-level requirements; but as some have said, that's only part of it.

Yes, it's nice to have equine/vet experience on your personal statement, but... the uni's tend to like farm experience best. It's about going out there, getting your hands dirty, working hard, and learning; farm is all of that, plus you have to learn to cope with the farmers and the animals, and understand herd-health concepts etc. It shows a lot more commitment than going and 'playing' with ponies or smallies in the holidays. Plus they need to know you can stick through the animal husbandry extra-mural studies, which is mostly farm-based. Dairy and lambing are ideal (if you're close to the RVC then you could get in touch and try to do work experience at Bolton's Park Farm- I know they let vet students do placements there, and I think they probably let other people do too).

Most of all, check requirements off their websites/UCAS; I think Liverpool have the most extensive list, and you've got to bear in mind that even if you don't want to apply there, you'll be competing against a lot of people who do (who will have met the requirements), so that's really got to be what you're aiming for.

I should also add: consider how much you want to earn in your career (and what sort of hours you want to work); vets wages aren't exactly stellar unless you own the practice.

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Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Thanks for that website, it was very helpful:)
I do not really mind what hours i would work my main concern is at least 1 day of a week!
On the pay front i defiantly want horses and be able to afford to keep them, with enough money left over to buy other things too. Being an equine vet or physiotherapist were 2 of the things i would like to look into, as working with horses would be a dream.However after reading up a bit more, i feel that my best wont be good enough for vet school, but i will continue to work as hard as i can.I defiantly want to do something with science/medical.
Thanks for help:)


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
Generally on a hill.. when not blown off the side.
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Hello! Hopefully i can be of use just started physiotherapy course at uni, its right you do get hundreds of people applying for each course. One place I applied there were 2000 applicants for 27 places, I got in yay!
My long term goal is to become a veterinary physiotherapist. You need to do 3 years human degree and prefer you doing a 2 year rotation in a hospital before you start the veterinary side.

I think both courses are very challenging, however I'm just about managing along side 4 horses and 2 hour commuting there and back.

If you don't get the grades for vet, physio needs something like a's and b's I think. I did an access course as I'm a mature student.

If you want to ask any questions about the course pm (I'm only on my first year, but will answer what I can and anything else I cam ask a lecturer for you) Xx