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18 August 2021
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Need more info! House or stables? Is there a written contract etc

hi it’s stables
It is a joint contract with my ex partner apparently my ex had a buissness failing out with the landlord which my ex had stated before he done any work for him that if it didn’t work out that it was nothing to do with us renting the the stables but it seems that because my ex didn’t want to do any more work for him the landlord stated that it was fine but he had a month to leave the stables I since have been in touch with them and said I knew nothing about it I told them I’m having problems finding somewhere else to go with them she has said to me in a message that she’s not going to throw me and my horses off the land and not to panic but she has lined someone up to take over already don’t know where I legally stand do I stand my ground and pay my rent as normal until I find somewhere suitable


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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This is slightly complicated as it is a joint contract. What does the contract say?

A month's notice if you pay monthly is normal, but it should be stated in the contract. I doubt that you have any right to remain at the end of the notice period, but it might be worth getting legal advice on that.

Meanwhile start looking elsewhere for somewhere to keep your horses.

Good luck.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Can I beg you to put some punctuation in your posts please Katherine.

Can you ask her if you can just take over the tenancy? Does the person she has offered it to have to take over, they clearly aren't in a hurry to if she says she's not going to throw you off? Does she think you'll get back with your ex and want you gone anyway because of that?

I don't think you can stay there if she doesn't want you there. Even if you could fight it legally it would be expensive and an awful lot of hassle. So if you can't take over the tenancy you'll have to find somewhere else.