Excercises - Suggestions please?


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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My green boy needs some muscle on his shoulders/topline and was wondering what excercises would be good for him to do?
He's a 5yo Cob, not particularly fit atm and like I say is pretty green so we need something gentle that he can wrap his (slightly large) head around, and something that's not too complicated for me to get my head round too ;)

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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Plenty of hacking will be the best way to slowly build up the correct muscles without him having to struggle in the school if he is green and unbalanced. Otherwise keep it simple, encourage him to stretch down keep him going forward in an active walk do transitions to keep him listening and easy movements to enable him to get more balanced, when the walk is going well do the same things in trot for short periods coming back to walk before he loses his balance, he will soon pick up his fitness and you can gradually increase the work.