Excess flaky skin condition - help required


Well-Known Member
31 December 2011
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I just wanted to know if anyone elses horses suffers with this or something similar and what they use to treat.

What it is - my horse suffers with excess flaky skin in his mane and on the back of his knees and occassionally on his back legs but not often.

it appears like dandruff but on the back of his knees the skin clumps together and i have to pull off what i can only describes as scabs of skin (very plesent i know)

i have shown my vet who suggested using basuka as it contains salicylic acid to act as a drying agent. then use pig oil to keep the skin soft and it also tends to crack and then bleed. ( which i was already using anyway as it keeps the mud off his feathers - which have now been kept short on the vets advice)

just wondered if anyone could help, if they use any type of herbal supplement that has helped. or if they know what it might be?

Thanks :)

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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If you use the search facility and enter mallenders and sallenders you should get plenty of info on how to treat, it is fairly common in horses that have feathers.

Mare Stare

Well-Known Member
9 April 2011
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Could it be an allergy of some type?

My Doris had seriously flaky skin for ages and I spent forever trying to work out what it was.

Turned out that it got better as soon as I stopped feeding her alfalfa so I think she had a mild allergic reation to it.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2011
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Hi, I'm new to the hairy horses and my mare has been diagnosed with sallenders... after spending lots of time and money trying to heel... hibiscrub, frontline, Ivomectin double dose wormers, pig oil and sulphar, and then lots of creams, potions and lotions I had resigned myself to the fact that it was something I was going to have to put up with. Anyway, a bit of reasearch on h&H forum and someone had recommended hoof to heel cream. I washed the affected area with hibiscrub and dried... applied a bid dollop of the hoof to heel and left her overnight.
When I went up the next day it had almost gone!!! no kidding. 3 days later and its healed over.... I'd thoroughly recommend hoof to heel!!!


Well-Known Member
31 December 2011
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Thanks so much we've been trying antiseptic washes and creams for nearly a year with no luck, so I'm gonna buy some of this cream on the way to the yard tonight. Fingers crossed that this works. Thanks so much x