Exciting day!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
Hoeilaart, Belgium
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Well, in a fairly mild sort of way! Deco started trotting and I took William on hound exercise.

Deco is my mare who is in foal and I've brought her back into gentle work. Today we ventured further into the woods and did a little road work and EVERYTHING was frightening. Bear in mind this is a horse who has only ever jumped clear round advanced BE tracks (well, she only did 2 but hey!). Possibley the most scary thing she has EVER seen in her life was some paint on the road that SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!! She does this funny thing where she crouches down a bit like a cat and being rather vertically challenged anyway subsequently feels like a 12.2!

So, that over, I popped William in the lorry with another from the yard and we followed 2 others along to a hound exercise meet of the OBH about 20 mins away. Now, I can count the amount of times that I've seen hounds on my own hands, and William has definately never seen them. But he's a pretty laid back chap and I thought the experience would do him good. So we get into the field and he looks around at everybody and sees the hounds and hears the horn and thinks it's all akin to a lullaby. Then we set off and he wasn't too bad for the first half hour. He got progressively worse though - I stuck with the slow coaches as I wanted it to be as boring as possible for him to give us a fighting chance of being able to come out a second time. He just bounced and bounced and bounced though, and although he never kicked anything he did everything else and was really being a bit of a liability to himself. The elevation though! The self-carriage! I'm sure most of you can picture what I'm talking about
. Anyway towards the end I stopped to help a girl who'd been kicked quite badly and by then we were on stubble and he calmed right down, walking properly and being a lot more maleable. He sweated absolute buckets but I hope he realised that these things go on for a while and he's best off not wasting his energy. I think ideally next time we go out we will hopefully pick a very boring morning of cubbing where we get to stand still for 3 hours so he doesn't think it's all go.

Rather meandering post I know, just wanted to share today!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
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Well done

I'm thinking of a seasons hunting for Squeaky and the 4yr old, but i'm also thinking of roping some other poor sod into ride Squeak, and i'll have all the fun on the 4yr old who i think will be a great hunter

I was going to go for a different aproach to yours tho, i was going to find the fastest meet, and knacker the bugger! haha


Well-Known Member
30 November 2004
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Lol, I love taking them to their first meets- you see them trying to figure out what on earth is going on and then it just clicks!
Who is Deco in foal to? We're thinking McGuigan may be a no-go, Lugs obviously doesnt want his babies for some bizarre reason!!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
Hoeilaart, Belgium
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I'm stiff this morning
ROFLMAO (or I would if my back and legs didn't feel like this
). I bet William is too though, he had his arse tucked so far underneath him and has certainly never done that much "lateral" work before!

D is in foal to Mill Law - at least I hope she is, she was a month ago. I thought he was pretty reasonabley priced, compared to some less proven breeders out there (that's not aimed at McGuigan, it's aimed at some of the stallions on the young horse circuit at the moment). Were you using AI for Lugs?

MDM - I can just picture Squeaky squeaking left right and centre not knowing where to look! And would that be Socks you're thinking of taking cos I have to say he looked a great type! Who is your local?

Are the both of you going to Charlton Park - would be nice to meet you in the flesh! I'll be stabling overnight I would have thought.