Exciting lesson ideas needed


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Covering 3 group lessons at local riding school tonight. As its a one off wanted to do something fun - I often do drill riding - even just in walk for beginners it can be fun and stimulating and a bit different.

Won't have any props for too many games and walk/trot/canter races get a bit boring after a while!

Any other ideas from anyone - a competition of some sort I dunno - just something to give them a change.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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what about good old fashioned, round the world races, and all that jazz, there are things that you can do but im not sure how health and safety stands now adays!


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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a few suggestions.

1. Get them to swop horses

2. Bareback, everyone loves that.

3. Riding to music

4. Teach them to volt, pony club style

5. Get them doing gates with a stop watch!

6. If the horses are good, get them to ride in just headcollar and leadropes.

7. Teach them how to ride and lead.

8. Show them how to ride "one handed" in case of an emergency.

9. Go through with them what to do in an emergency and practice, dismounting, securing horses, leading a second horse, looking after fallen rider, etc teach them the drill.

10. Teach them what to do and how to cope if parts of their sadderly break when out on a hack and how to overcome it.

11. Get the bandages out and show them the basics of first aid.

12. Teach them how to lunge and get them lunging each other.

13. Teach them how to volt off

14. If none of the suggestions sound any good, ask them what they would like to do.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Thanks all good suggestions - some I can't do as it'll be dark outside and lesson in an indoor school plus some ponies aren't as reliable as others and certain riders aren't allowed near certain ponies due the potential for nasty accidents/ambulances etc.

I love getting people to ride to music - but what do you actually get them to do? If I had a regular class maybe they could make up a routine but its a one off! Still i suppose they could have 10 minutes and do a small routine....

The trouble with some of the practical stuff is parents get right cheesed off if they pay £15 for their kids to ride a pony and they spend all the time on the ground!

his is my riding school remember - I'm just a supply teacher in effect!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2005
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A few ideas that don't require any special props and should teach them something at the same time.

- take some pictures of horses with you, give one to each child and get them to sit on it. Whoever can keep it there the longest whilst cantering gets a 'prize' (eg their pony gets a polo).

- riding in pairs: prize for the pair that can stay the most together (should teach them how to fine tune their control of speed/steering)

- pick 2 markers in the school eg K and H or M and F, and one at a time they canter past the 2 markers counting the number of strides. Then everyone has another go to see if they can get more/less trides. Again a prize for the one who can get the biggest variation from their original go.