Exclusion zone


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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I've just received a letter from the LACS solicitor telling me I am excluded from public footpaths around the Baronsdown Sanctuary. Not just ones on LACS property.

My crime?

Constantly pointing out that dog walking causes wild mammals to be flushed out and threatening to take under control dogs along public footpaths and thus flush out deer.

I can't help but think that LACS constant legal threats to me are politically motivated.

I'm trying to find out how far the exclusion zone extends beyond the sanctuary itself.

Meanwhile, they supply photos of me and informatioin about me to extremist websites.


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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Dear Douglas,

Your Mr Addisson has expressed concern about this letter and I am responding to them.

As I have said many times I do not wish to cause any aggravation to your staff, in distinct contrast to who ever provided the Hunt Scum Gallery with the photographs they are using to try and intimidate me.

Interestingly your solicitor has threatened me with a defamation suit if I say that the photographs were supplied by the person who took them. However The Hunt Scum Gallery seem to be saying it is libel to say that they weren't supplied by LACS and are being displayed without their permission. Maybe we could just cut out the middle man and you could just sue eachother?

I hope Mr Addisson will get back to me regarding my use of footpaths beyond the bounds of Baronsdown soon.

If using such a public footpath is now illegal I will restrict my pursuit of deer to along the public road and other rights of way that are not public footpaths. I will in any event keep the league informed of my exact intended intinery to make sure that they are happy it does not breech any undertaking I have made. I do this as a sign of my good faith and intended co operation. I am sure you realise that it is unlikely that I will oppose your interpretation of the undertaking in court so you really have a free reign to make it as ridiculous as possible. Go on, indulge yourself. It makes little difference to me. From my point of view the more absurdly your organisation behaves the better.

As you well know and as I have told you many many times it is not my intention to let my dog get out of control. I will merely be indulging a shared interest in red deer with it.

You will be aware that the Hunting Act makes it illegal to pursue red deer with a dog in order to observe them and this is what I will do.

If any deer are flushed out I will engage in joint pursuit with my dog of the deer in order to look at them for as long as possible. If possible I will look at deer on the sanctuary, however I will not enter the sanctuary.

I may well also commit tresspass on land not belonging to the League. I'm looking into the legal position about this, but I strongly suspect that no one who doesn't have their heads firmly inserted into a very strange and unnatural place would not be particularily bothered if I stepped of the public right of way into a wood to see if I could see a deer.

I doubt any deer will be pursued 'to the point if exhaustion', not unless they are extremely unfit. I'm sure that I will tire of the excercise long before either the deer or my dog do.

When discussing these matters with you before you discussed the possibility of my dog getting shot, in what I interpreted as a veiled threat but you assured me was not. I had not at this time read the newspaper reports about illegal culling of deer by League staff by driving vehicles at them and shooting them from out of the vehicle's window.

I have no way of telling if these reports are true. However if I remember rightly the newspaper reported you as saying at the time that the law on hunting red deer in this manner was 'ridiculous'. It may well be that you, like me choose to break the law regarding the Hunting of wild deer on the grounds that it is 'ridiculous'. I would ask both you and your staff not to undertake such abominable crimes which clearly endanger both the deer, other wildlife, livestock and members of the public while I and my dog are in the area.

If you or your staff are intending to illegally cull deer, I'd be grateful if you would let me know so I can avoid any stray bullets resulting from such profoundly irresponsible methods as those reported.

Kind regards,

Giles Bradshaw

FW: Paul Tillsley -v- Yourself Exeter County Court Claim Number 6EX02680

Dear Mr Bradshaw,

I have been forwarded a copy of your e-mail sent to Douglas Batchelor on 26th October in which you suggest that you will visit Baronsdown today and walk along the footpath outside the sancturay with the intention of setting your dog after any deer that you might find.

Your planned activities will however be in breach of the undertakings that you gave to the court, and which remain in force, on 30th June this year. In particular, you undertook "Not to enter the League Against Cruel Sports deer sanctuary situated at Baronsdown, Brompton Regis, Somerset" and "Not to use the public footpath at the deer sanctuary, Baronsdown, Brompton Regis, Somerset".

If you undertake any activity in breach of your undertakings to the court then we will be instructed to refer the matter back to the court immediately on an application to enforce your undertakings and for damages and costs.

I would be grateful if you would please therefore confirm that you will not be visiting Baronsdown today or at any time whilst your undertakings remain in force.

Yours sincerely,


----- Original Message -----
From: giles bradshaw
To: Douglas Batchelor
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 2:47 PM
Subject: Crime

Dear Douglas,

I'm planning on breaking the Hunting Act at Dulverton Police Station on Monday. I was thinking of doing a bit of hunting outside the Baronsdown Sanctuary.

I don't want to harrass or intimidate anybody, just the deer. I'll just park up in the layby and walk down the footpath outside the sanctuary and set my dog after any deer I can find.

I just wanted to let you know so you could alert any staff who might get upset and tell them not to worry.

If you've got any concerns about my upsetting your staff by my presence maybe you could let me know. Obviously I won't talk to any of them as I know they find this upsetting.

Kind Regards,



Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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It seems to me that they will try and put whatever obstacle they can in the way of me breaking the Hunting Act.

Most unfair.

It's my right to be left alone to break the law in peace and it should be respected.


Well-Known Member
12 June 2005
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It seems to me that they will try and put whatever obstacle they can in the way of me breaking the Hunting Act.

Most unfair.

It's my right to be left alone to break the law in peace and it should be respected.

Like I said too much time on your hands


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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What I do with my spare time is my own business. If I choose to use it to commit crimes then that is my own business.

LACS have no right to try and stop me.