exercising your horse in winter


Well-Known Member
2 August 2011
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Hi everyone as im a relatively new hirse owner and this will be my first winter with my girl i just wondered what other horse owners did in tge winter to exercise their horse. I dont have access to a arena apart from an hour once a week but do have access to a country cement lane which is about half a mle long which i can walk and trot on. how much exercise would i need to give my girl during da week on the lane to keep her content inclusung my hour lesson on a sat. also anyone any excercises that i do with her on da lane to keep it excitung? Thanjs for any tips or ideas. ps i try to turn her out every day from 8-4 but it depends on the weather as i have to walk the lane to the field and the last two mornings its been an ice rink.


Well-Known Member
14 August 2005
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To be honest, if its icy I wouldn't walk or trot her down the lane.
In the worst of it, I tend to give mine time off, otherwise I school her on a section of grass.

What do you do in the summer?
You can do some schooling as you take her down the lane but I'd be wary of just taking her constantly up and down the same lane as she may start napping.