Experience of broken shoulder????


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24 April 2008
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Well, great start to 2012!!!
Last Monday I went splat and as a result found out that I had broken my shoulder.....great!
Back to hospital today to be told that it's actually in 3 pieces and notwere it should be but they are hoping that when swelling goes down it will drift back???? So I now have to wait till next week to find out if I get to avoid surgery.
Basically, does anyone have any experience of this sort of injury? Healing times? Things that help.... Things that don't??? Also how to sleep siting up as that is killing me!
Oh and to top it off, I managed to get one of those doctors that turn mean as soon as they realise it's horse related and are deliberately awkward!!!!
Any help appreciated......


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17 January 2012
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I had an employer like that :/

I broke my shoulder and dislocated the same one at the same time showjumping a long time ago.. I was under a GA to see if I needed surgery or not, thankfully avoided, and back in the saddle after 5-6 weeks.. No accounting for stupidity!! I woke up the first morning after getting home on my stomach, scared the heck out of me!

I can only sleep sitting up in the car or arm chair? I'm due abdominal surgery on Monday, don't fancy my chances in sleeping on my back after either, lol..

I also had 3 ops on my right hand a couple of years ago.. Slept on my stomach with my arm hanging out the bed :/


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27 October 2011
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Don't know if I will help but I broke my shoulder (came out of its socket or summat) when horse riding and needed an operation which involed plates & pins for the rest of my life, blood tranfusions, 7 weeks of school, a WHOLE YEAR not doing P.E or dance at school :)D - but did have a sneaky horse ride without doctors permission :p)

I hope you get well soon though. Sorry if my post is no help.


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26 November 2011
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I did that nearly 30 years ago falling off a horse. It healed in a few weeks though. I remember playing tennis as physio after a short while. Though I think it healed quickly as I was quite young. Doctor said to me at the time that I should not ride again. I did stop soon after for about 10 years. Have had a few falls since but that was my most serious. I still get a bit of a twinge now and again. Think mine was just broken in one place though. I did have to get my mum to help me get dressed and showered in the early days. can't remember how I slept.


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11 January 2010
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I am an amateur expert on broken shoulders - had one in Jan 2009, Jan 2011, and had surgery last week to remove the plate and pins from last year! Firstly, commiserations - don't try and be brave by skipping pain relief - if you're in pain, take something.

My break (same place both times) was actually the neck of the humorous, where the first time it set wonky but ok, the second time the bone was moving around hence the plate and pins. First time I was having weekly xrays for 6 weeks to determine whether or not surgery was need (which it eventually wasn't) so be prepared to not get a definitive answer next week.

First time was off a bike, I wasn't horsey at the time, but partly due to a loss of confidence on the bike it took a good few months to get back on, and then longer still get get my nerve back cycling properly. Was back at work after a month and running marathons within 3 months (I was fit beforehand!).

Second time, I wasn't cycling or running anyway, but was back in the saddle within 4 weeks - however very gently, on a bombproof saint in mostly walk. Any spook/snatch of the reins really hurt for a couple of weeks. Do not hurry back.

After the surgery last Thursday, I'm thrilled. I was warned a month off work and 6 weeks off exercise, but I ditched pain killers and the sling within 3 days, and am planning to do a few hours cycling at the weekend, and riding :)

Sleep - get yourself back into bed asap. The first time I 'slept' upright on the sofa for a month before seeing the physio - combined with painkillers, I have little recollection of that month! Buy loads of cheap pillows, and use those to prop yourself up in bed as much as you need - use to support your arm as well. But make the move to bed - you will heal much better if you are properly rested! The physio couldn't believe I'd not managed to lie down for a month and the first thing she did was work out how I could 'lay' down 'comfortably'. You can reduce the level of pillow support need as required.

Do the exercises the physio prescribes once the bone has healed - I have been bad with this and so the movements I do a lot (e.g. for cycling, grooming, tacking up) I can do as well as with the other arm, but anything I don't do regularly, I'm stuck.

Although people say it takes 6 weeks for the bone to heal, don't expect to ping back to normal after 6 weeks - I was most disappointed. The bone may have reset, but the soft tissue damage and muscle deterioration will take much longer - stick with the physio, and don't push too much.

Sorry for the essay, it's a subject close to my heart...!

Take care xx
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Well-Known Member
24 April 2008
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Thank you!! I feel much better after reading this!
I have not taken any time off work and only three days off yard work and have been able to lunge since the weekend.
This doctor today was dissmissive and rude and told me that I will do nothing for three months. I am in very little pain, only at night whilst trying to sleep ad not move and so have come off most pain relief, I can't imagine that there is really that much damage and it's not that painful????


Well-Known Member
2 January 2011
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I broke and dislocated my shoulder last year when leading my youngster and she shied. The dislocation came out of the top of my shoulder. I slept for a month on the sofa with lots of pillows and always with support. My specialist told me not to move it at all for 6 weeks - you have to imobilise it for it to heal properly otherwise it will not heal properly. I know it is frustrating not being able to do anything but believe me it will take longer to heal. Take your painkillers, rest and do exactly what your specialist tells you. When the you're specialist tells you its time for physio make sure you do it - it is so important, but don't over do it . I was off work for 5 months, but my shoulder is more or less back to normal. Good Luck and take it easy.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2011
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lots of pain killers, and a foam wedge can help you sit up in bed.
6-8 weeks healing time for any break
hopefully you won`t need surgery!!


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4 March 2008
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Well-Known Member
24 April 2008
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Thank you everyone, it would seem that it is very injury specific as to the rate of recovery. I just can't imagine a lengthy recovery without horses, it's horrible having to depend on others.