Farmers dress code out hunting!


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25 April 2012
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I'm a farmer that hunts does anyone know what I'm meant to wear? Jacket colour? Britches colour? Hat colour? Stock? Boots? Getting all sorts of advice and want to look correct and be a bit different!

Help thanks


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Mmmm, depends which pack you're intending to go with......... but I always thought the "garb" for farmers was basically that its usuall permissible to be a tad more relaxed than shall we say the "normal" punter, i.e. you may find that a tweed hacking jacket with buff breeches are acceptable rather than the black coat & white breeches; and possibly (depending on the pack) a tie and tweedy shirt may be OK rather than a stock, and brown rather than black boots.

Traditionally my understanding was/is that farmers being the mainstay of the hunt (and basically without whom the hunt cannot exist as they allow the hunt over their farmland!!!), the more relaxed dress code was a courtesy extended to signify this - as well as being an acknowledgement that farmers will no doubt have work on the farm to do on the day of hunting (therefore time an importance!) and so the relaxing of the dress code was thus a courtesy to the unpredictability and busy-ness (and commitment) of farming.

But if you're concerned I'd ring the Hunt Secretary or Field Master/ress and have a chat.

Sorry you don't say whether you're a lady or a gent???


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25 April 2012
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I'm male by the way !
My wife is the field master but she doesn't know what farmers should wear as I'm the only one and the first for a few years!


Well-Known Member
20 January 2012
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In modern times there is no difference between a Farmer and any other member of the field.

In times gone by in the farmers could wear a hunting cap and were not expected to wear a silk hat (top hat) or a bowler hat, the only two correct forms of headgear for a subscriber. This was aimed at small holders and farm managers etc.

It's not as if a farmer can't afford the same smart kit as anyone else in modern times.

As earlier - black coat and white breaches - only in dressage please. White breaches only with a scarlet coat.