Farrier Hitting Horse with Rasp/file


Well-Known Member
14 November 2016
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Hey I have a really difficult situation to ask about.

Our horse lost both her shoes around 3 weeks ago and couldn’t get a hold of the farrier so she’s been limping. Messaged numerous times but to no avail, completely understand he was so busy and couldn’t do anything but sadly she has no hoof left. (There is a reason to explain this)

But she was quite sore due to having not having any hood. She was incredibly sleepy in the sun as well. She was rocking back a bit which he knows she can do sometimes. It wasn’t awful or throwing around, but her usual slow rock back which I understand was putting weight on the farrier. He was rasping at this time, stood up and went and wacked her very hard on the neck with the rasp. To the point my mom was shaking in shock as the thud was so loud.

She currently has a neck injury/arthritis investigation due to sore neck which we have mentioned. Regardless, is this a correct thing for a farrier to do? I feel so heartbroken, seeing your horse get hit. I understand the occasional wack with a hand if they’re being naughty but using a file which is meant to be on the hooves doesn’t sit right with me.

What are you opinions on this?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2016
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He wouldn’t be my farrier anymore and I’d tell him why. Actually I like to think I would have thrown him off the yard there and then. You can report him to his governing body if you feel angry enough. Farriers have been struck off for the same before.

Nobody hits my horses, especially not in frustration.
It was my mom there, not me and she’s not as horsey so I’d like to say if it was me. But she was in shock. It’s the fact he went to hit her with so much force and purposefully


Well-Known Member
27 February 2021
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Yeah absolutely not that’s how a horse starts getting scared to get their feet done and it’s just down right awful.
I’ve found some farriers to think this is acceptable and a normal way to treat horses that don’t stand perfect 100% of the time and they never get called back


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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I also wouldn't stand for that. Years ago I saw the farrier I had at that time smack another pony round the face with a rasp - she was rearing and jumping around but still absolutely not the way to solve it (and needless to say did make the situation much worse). I left the yard the next month for a different reason and changed farrier at the same time.


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27 September 2018
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Happened to my pony over 40 years ago, I was only a teenager, I'd gone to fetch something, when I came back a minute later, the farrier was packing his gear away. My mum sent him packing when he went to hit my new, never been shod pony, with a hammer.😡


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I got rid of one after he started shouting at a nervous pony. Didn't help her nerves. I've seen him since yanking and pushing a donkey around - never coming near mine again. He never tried it with the Appy knowing full well she'd have belted him.

Same nervous pony tried to lean on current farrier yesterday. He put her leg down, stood her up straight and positioned her by the wall so she could lean on that instead. Much calmer all round


Well-Known Member
13 November 2009
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No totally unacceptable but also you'll end up with a horse who will be difficult to shoe/trim. Many years ago a friends horse became terrible to shoe, pulling back and taking off then she discovered farrier was regularly hitting him but she wouldn't say anything cos she was frightened of him . This probably wouldn't happen these days as we are not so likely to blindly accept the behavior of professionals.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Sack him, too many farriers about like this. A lot of them do not seem to like horses. I get its a tough job and they get pulled about sometimes. However if the horse is playing up its the owners job to make sure they behave.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Years ago, my farrier hit my new, underweight, (previously cruelly mistreated) rescue horse under his belly with a rasp whilst trimming his near fore. Horse was becoming fidgety, having his foot held up for ten minutes. Rather than letting him put his foot down for a rest, farrier held on and shouted at him. Then hit him under the belly with the rasp. Horse pulled back, reared, came down on top of him, broke the head collar rope and shot off towards the fields. Groom got a scoop of nuts and went off to try and catch the horse.
I told the farrier to get off the yard and that I wouldn't be contacting him ever again. He demanded payment. I refused. He said he'd make sure no other farrier would touch any horse that I owned. I told him that I had witnesses to his behaviour and that I'd report him to his professional body and every horse person I knew.
I had no problem in getting a different farrier, and have used him ever since. Calm, highly competent and very knowledgeable. Arrives on time, is a training farrier, and saw Old Horse through a brief skirmish with laminitis.
The other farrier is still working, well into his eighties now.