I used to use it on a TB with awful feet - we saw improvement much sooner than 9 months, but you will still have the old 'crappy' hoof growing out for a while - it won't be an overnight cure. Several people have told me it shouldn't work, but it worked really well, and I wouldn't hesitate to use it again. The cost of the formula pretty much paid for itself, we went from seeing the farrier every 2-3 weeks to every 5-6!
Yep used to use it on Bally and Bertie. It was super for Bertie, not sure about Bal as her feet were always pretty good.
Winstons feet are awful
so i use the new NAF pro feet, I must admit his feet seem harder and farrier was pleased with them - however it will take a long time to really notice a difference.
I did have good results with FF so i would keep with it
i,ve used it with positive results, to get better quality horn growth, it may be worth asking your farrier if he has his own preperation or a supplyer which may be cheeper option
Hi, yes I used to have a mare that had feet that cracked alot when I bought her, I started to use farriers formula and they stopped cracking. Having said that I had a different farrier so maybe that made the difference. I only used one tub and never needed to use it again. Good luck!
Use NAF biotin, works just aswell and alot cheaper. Aslong as they get the required amount of Biotin a day, will strengthen feet. Alfa A is goo dfor strengthening feet too, combined with a biotin supplement.
I run an equine supplements business so should be able to give you an informed opinion. Farriers Formula is a biotin based supplement that many people find works well. It sometimes does not work as well on certain breeds for some reason. My farrier reckons some TB's do less well on it. Regarding a simple Biotin supplement they DO NOT work as well. It has been proven that ingredients such as Methionine, Lysine, zinc and calciulm work in synergy with Biotin and achieve better results.
As for it taking 9 months, it is true that results are not gained overnight but you should start to see a difference in 3 months and have a good hoof in 6 months.
Our supplement is called Farriers Favourite. It is equally as good if not better than Farriers Formula and is much cheaper. Our 4Kg tub lasts 100 days and is £34.99. You can check it out on www.equineanswers.co.uk.
Fabulous stuff. The best by far. I fed it when my boy went down with laminitis many years ago (assume it hasnt changed much since), his feet definately improved and we saw a difference in maybe 3 months, although obviously it takes about 9 months for a hoof to grow out.
You only have to feed a very little amount so a tub does last a while. Excellent stuff.