Feathers - dandruff??

Studford Ponies

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13 April 2015
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Hi, thank you for any advice...
I’ve recently got a cob and when I’ve gone to comb her feathers I’ve noticed that the skin on her hind legs looks dandruffy/flakey and is coming away at the base. I don’t think it’s mites as nothing is moving. Her feathers haven’t been muddy. The previous owner shampooed them, I haven’t. What should I treat it with?


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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Feathered horses often suffer from scurfy legs and mites which can be described as walking dandruff. Part the hair and look for signs of dry, cracked skin or sores. If the skin looks healthy, wash with a medicated shampoo and rinse until you are sure you've got all of the soap out. Its probably a good idea to ask your vet to treat for mites as well.
Make a habit of checking under the feather daily with your fingers and keep the feathers brushed as often as is practical. Any problems can be nipped in the bud then.
Every one has a favourite way of dealing with skin problems in feathered horses, but avoid anything that strips away the natural oils. Using diluted hibiscrub is fine, but it's very harsh on compromised skin if repeated too often. Neem oil is very effective, but the smell is pretty bad.
There is a lot of information and advice on the internet on maintaining feathers, different things work for different horses.