New User
Hello everyone, after some advice for my WB x cob 7 year old gelding. Been on the above feed since September lives out 24/7 and has ad-lib haylage November to Now, he’s come out of winter spot on but with the wet weather this year suffered with abscess after abscess. He is barefoot and I would like to keep him that way but he never grows any foot, farrier always just tidies his feet up. I’m going to get him some hoof boots when we start work again.
Is his diet enough for everything he needs to build muscle and overall health? He has previously shown riggish behaviour but is definitely had both bits off. I’ve contacted a few natural feed merchants but they are all stupidly expensive. I aim to work him 3/4 times a week hacking and groundwork. All this research has made my brain explode.
Any friendly advice welcomed.