Situation normal
Ok folks - after a little advice.
I had a very interesting and useful discussion with another forum member some time ago about the issues of feeding an extremely good doer that's pregnant.
However, would be interested on others views. My friend on whose farm Amy lives is of the opinion that she won't need any additional feeding (experienced breeder). However, I'm not convicnced. Amy's weight is excellent, is now on ad lib haylage pm.
Opinions welcome.
I had a very interesting and useful discussion with another forum member some time ago about the issues of feeding an extremely good doer that's pregnant.
However, would be interested on others views. My friend on whose farm Amy lives is of the opinion that she won't need any additional feeding (experienced breeder). However, I'm not convicnced. Amy's weight is excellent, is now on ad lib haylage pm.
Opinions welcome.