Yes you can feed bio yoghurt, or go to the health food shop and get Acidophilus which contains millions of good bacteria. I normally give a couple of capsules in the feed of a horse with upset tummy or squits.
Its very good for re-balancing a system thats either being slightly ill or is suffering due to large quantities of drugs. My mare was on yoghurt for quite a while after she degloved a hind leg and had so many drugs pumped into her over such a long period that everything seemed to be shutting down slowly
She refused to eat it so i syringed it down her everyday and it worked wonders on restoring her system.
Im still prone to throwing the odd spoonful in (natural yoghurt this is) when my horse has been on anti-bis for more than a few days.
Yep, but make sure it's natural yogurt. It is probably a better alternative to probiotics and I serve it up during the spring just to settle her gut a bit ( she gets the s***s). I've also used guiness in the sdame vain but I'm not convinved it has the right effects.
Why not just try a basic pro-biotic horse feed suppliment mixed in to their feed - Clop is only about £7 a tub and it lasts ages - it settled my youngster down in two days!