Feel like I have let her down

Magic mummy

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4 September 2013
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Well the time has come for me to sell on my mare:( bought her 9 months ago for mother/ daughter share apparently a novice ride. I have posted on here numerous times regarding her being bolshy, bucking, rearing and generally bad mannered. We have had instructors come to us but both myself and my daughter has lost confidence and even leading her to paddock is sometimes nerve wracking as she sometimes pulls and bolts off throwing a buck etc. Have an experienced rider who takes her out for us so she gets some exercise. We have tried but failed to turn her back to this lovely calm pony we once viewed. We do have another pony much older and a plod just what we both need to get our confidence back at least he won't buck us off ! I feel bad for her as I want her to go to a loving home who will bring her on lovely, so hard finding the right person also who wants to buy a naughty pony? I do feel like I have failed her :(
Thanks for listening x


Well-Known Member
24 March 2013
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You haven't failed her.
How is she when the experienced rider gets on?
Either you'll find someone who is just more confident and not so fussed about her behaviour, or they will find her manageable. You see some horses advertised as "ridden by a novice". Well, yes they are, but they are also ridden by someone who does a lot more with them, so they are having that edge taken off them.

Years ago I got a chestnut Arab-X mare on loan. She went well for when I tried her out. I couldn't tack her up when I got her home. She'd pin me against the gate. When we went to take her back, I couldn't get travel boots on her as she tried to kick my head in. We had to get the owner out...and she stood there good as gold. She tried it on with me, succeeded and so then just proceeded to walk all over me.

There is no shame in admitting she's too much for you (in fact I commend it!). Don't feel you've failed her, 9 months is a long time to keep trying when you are scared!

Enjoy time with your old boy :)


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
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You havent failed her and you certainly havent failed yourself. Do not beat yourself up about this. Sometimes people just dont click with the horses they have brought, its as simple as that. They are not machines made to fit neatly into our lives they are living, thinking and opinionated large animals.

You have made the right decision and now you have the responsibility to sell her on to the right home that she will be suited to and where she will thrive. You will both build your confidences back up and be ready to move on to a new horse should you wish to.

When I go back into riding a couple of years ago I was due to be given a horse who sadly became ill and we had pts within a few months of me knowing him. It was devastating but I pressed on desperate for a horse and got a loan mare a week before Xmas who was totally unsuitable ... and totally unhinged! She knocked my confidence badly and in the winter when things were already tough enough. I wont go into details but she was dangerous and made me misserable. I admitted defeat and she went back to her owner who missed her (for the life of me I cannot understand why!)

I now have a total superstar of a horse and we adore each other so like you, this will have a happy ending. Good luck.