Feel Very Sick and Despondent ....


Well-Known Member
20 November 2007
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Back in January my cob went to Leahurst and was tested (Gamma scintigraphy, ultrsound, work-up tests) and was found to be 3/10th and 2/10th lame on back legs put down to a sacroilliac injury / soreness although nothing major was found with any of the tests. They gave her anti-inflam injections and tablets and a programme of work to bring her back into being ridden.

Did all this and she has been coming on fine - the bucking in canter (which first alerted me to the problem) had stopped....

Until Monday 4th August, when she has started bucking again - I can only assume that it is the same problem back again.

She looks fine - is standing and moving square behind - seems willing enough to walk and trot but as soon as I ask for canter - she bucks .... this is what it was like last time.

I dont think the Insurance will cover her again for Leahurst as it is now over 1 year since it was first reported to the vet that she was bucking in canter - and my vet is a bit of a doom and gloom merchant and will probably write her off before she even thinks of sending her their again anyway.

This has come on so suddenly and as far as I am aware she hasnt done anything stupid - she is worked every day, which is what Leahurst told me to do to keep her muscles tight and in work round her pelvis region. We were getting ready to go back to her first show (show cob) on the 9th August, that is how positive it was all going.

I am so upset and worried ...... any ideas please?


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
West Country
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So sorry you're feeling so down, no hi tec advice to offer I'm afraid, but sympathy.
As a person with no money, I'd resort to Dr Green - a year off at grass - but that probably isn't what you want to hear!


Well-Known Member
28 August 2007
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Hiya, I've got a horse with sacroilliac ligament damage. Shes had to have ALOT of physio/mctimothy/whateveryouwant to call it to get her anywhere near rideable, she had injections into both ligaments and lots and lots of groundwork. Could your mare have any soreness in her back that something like physio could deal with? It could be related to the sacroiliac or not? Has saddle etc been checked recently? Have you tried riding her and asking for canter when shes had a danilon to see if it is a pain responce? Don't panic!


Well-Known Member
24 April 2008
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Could I ask where you are and which vet you use, you can PM me if you like. A change in vet might see some fresh ideas on how to treat her.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Have you had her saddle checked - it may be nothing more than needing that done?

Also, does she see a physio reguarly - if not, maybe a little look first by a reputible one could help??


Well-Known Member
21 August 2008
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Do you think that maybe the bucking is psychological? That she has simply just learnt to buck in canter to stop work?

Ask the vet to check, but it could be an association thingy.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2007
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Is she bucking in canter in the school AND when out on a hack ?

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Yes she is bucking in the sand arena and in the field when schooling in a large field.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2007
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Thanks for your support !

Saddle - not long done by master saddler and is done every 6 months. She has never been a "bucker" in the past - even when her saddle did need doing.

Back Person - because of where we are we are very very limited with back specialists and have to rely on visiting ones which is not very often or very consistant unfortunately.

Its all just really pantz !


Well-Known Member
20 November 2007
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Do you think that maybe the bucking is psychological? That she has simply just learnt to buck in canter to stop work?

Ask the vet to check, but it could be an association thingy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know what you are saying Scribbles - however, before she went to Leahurst we put her on a month of bute to test if it was all in her mind - the bucking stopped, but as soon as we took her off the bute - it started again - so we knew it was a pain thing - thats when she was sent to Leahurst

I think to be honest - it is the same thing again and I dont want to ride away at her on bute as I think she is trying to tell me it hurts and, if it was pychological then it would have displayed itself before now wouldn't it (?) as I have been preparing her for showing and doing loads of prep work for the last month or so and before that she has been ridden and "back in work" since May.......

Its all so confusing and s**t and I feel so upset about it - I just want my girl to be 100% - she looks fab - is bright - can roll in the field right over - is happy as ever - but is obvioulsy not right again, and I dont know why !!!


Well-Known Member
30 July 2007
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You poor thing. I know how you must be feeling. One of our boys had a bucking "issue" although part of it we put down to his personality (he's VVV dominant). We have a physio (from Anna Johnson's practice) over every 6 months or so and he's been so much better. She advised us to build his back up by lungeing over poles and raised poles (build it up gradually) and using side reins to build up his top line, thereby helping to support his frame. The bucking has improved so much, although he does throw the odd one in when showing off to a mare schooling at the same time as him ! Not sure if any of this is any use to you but there MAY be another cause to the bucking, and also other solutions. Hope you sort it out.