? feeling better post op


Well-Known Member
12 July 2006
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My horse is now about 7 weeks post bilateral suspensory ligament op, so he is now been allowed on field rest for the past 3 weeks. Well the op was obviously a success as he is now cantering around the field again and has been jumping a small tree on his own which has fallen down.
The farmer today has pulled down one of the big trees which was dead and cut it up into logs. So when I got up there this afternoon I ended up clearing the small branches into a pile so that we could burn it tomorrow. It started raining so we gave up. The farmer needed to get the tractor out so I clapped at my horse to get him away from the gate - anyway my horse decided that it would be much more fun to jump into the middle of the logs and out again - in a bounce fashion - rather than go the sensible option (where there was no treetrunk, log pile or branches in a pile) which was actually closer. We just stood there in absolute disbelief - think he maybe hinting that he is ok and wants to be jumping again???

Moggy in Manolos

Well-Known Member
8 March 2006
South Glos
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Thats great your horsey is doing so well, certainly does sound like a fabulous recovery


11 October 2006
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Hi, sorry to be on a downer but my horse had the fasciotomy and neurectomy op 6 weeks ago, unfortunately he is still lame and both my vet and physio arent too hopeful of a recovery. He is out in a small paddock and showing off, bucking, rearing etc as happy as larry but still lame. He had all the shockwave therapy, that didnt work, he had the nerve blocks etc they didnt work so after nearly 12 months he had the op anyway as a last resort. Can anyone tell me any good stories of this happening to their horses and becoming sound again. I am thinking of hydrotherapy treatment, magnetic boots, msm etc, any recommendations please. My insurance has now run out but I will do what I can for my much loved friend.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Do give the magnetic boots a try, they worked for about three months on our old TBxWelsh mare, she then unfortunately didn't need them any more, but he en was unrelated. We have recently lent them to a neighbour and they helped with blood flow to a foot abscess and helped to clear it.

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
Well the op was obviously a success as he is now cantering around the field again and has been jumping a small tree on his own which has fallen down.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if your horse is on field rest following a suspensory ligament op - the LAST thing your vet will want him doing is cantering and jumping!!!!

These injuries take a LOT of time and patience to heal properly - you'd be better speaking with your vet tbh.
Good luck with him though
Kate x


Well-Known Member
12 July 2006
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The vet is ok about him cantering around as he is now returned to his usual playful self in the field. Pre-op he just stood there eating and looking fed up. The vet just wants him not to be galloping around all the time which he is not. Checked him this am and he has not turned lame and is still lifing the hoof above the floor correctly - no damage done.

The trees were being cut up yesturaday and should be gone by this pm so no more jumping them. He does normally jump things if they are in his way in the field such as nettle patches rather than go round them - takes less energy to jump them than go round I suppose.

This weekend is when he can start being ridden in walk. Should be fun as he has not been ridden in 3 months - may have a couple of bucks to contend with and jogging I suppose.