Feeling Depressed . . .


Well-Known Member
22 September 2017
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Tried having a riding lesson at the riding school my kids go to rather than the RDA I volunteer at. It was a no go as my hips are too tight for the width of the horse they have that can carry my weight :(

Not sure if I'm more peeved at being 2.5 st over my ideal weight, having life long dodgy hip issues! (presently have one artificial and one deformed/arthritic) or having been stupid enough to have stopped 25 years ago!

Still have exercises to do over the summer & I should try and shift the extra weight anyway! Plan is to work at it and then try at the riding school again after the summer! Which should be good motivation, but just now feeling depressed!


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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Don't feel depressed. You've learnt something and now you have moved forward. You know your goals to move to the next stage. Next step is to draw up a plan for how to get there. What support do you need?

Go and either find a picture of yourself riding 25 years ago, or print out a picture of the riders at the school you want to join. Stick it on the fridge or in front of your workout area and go for it :)

Until today you didn't know what you needed to do to get to your goal. Now you do.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2017
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I guess it feels like its a set back. I thought I was ready for the next step & excitedly looking forward to it. But I'm not. I know realistically I'm in the same place as I was previously, or even slightly forward as I know the real next steps, but it feels like I've moved back. Yesterday I thought I was ready now, today I know I have a lot of work to do to try again in two months time.

I guess I'm a bit scared too - My Dad retired, tried to follow his dream and discovered his body was no longer up to it. I'm scared I'm ending up in that boat.

Maybe I need that to shake me up and get me to ensure that I don't end up in that boat!


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16 February 2009
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I know it feels disappointing now, but I think if you can throw yourself into your exercises over the summer, you will soon find the time flies by. Doing the exercises will almost certainly lift your mood too and give you a sense of focus. I actually wrote myself a "contract" saying that I would do a yoga session a day, even if it was a ten min short one, and I have found I feel so much better for it! I wrote it down as a "I WILL do this" statement because I find it hard to motivate myself, but now I feel like I've agreed to something (even though it's hardly binding) and I've actually been managing it!


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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I'm nervous you sound a little down. There's nothing wrong with bad days. Accept it, watch tv, read a book, enjoy a bit of me time. Then tomorrow go for a gentle walk (If appropriate with the plan your physio has set). I used to walk to a cafe, have coffee and cake then walk back (the walk earned me the cake) and the walk made me feel better. For something more challenging I'd drag myself to the local health centre for an exercise class. The camaraderie really helped me find my enthusiasm.

If the feeling lasts beyond a week think about a chat with your gp.

Bad days are just that; single days not weeks or months so this will pass. Focus on the goal, not the challenges of the journey.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2017
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Thanks guys. Feeling happier today! I've even found some used 200L blue drums that the RI has suggested I try practising on!

My 10 yr old daughter can not only touch the ground on both sides (Albeit on tippy toes) But can balance on it in riding position! May take me a while before I can beat her :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
25 July 2017
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Thanks guys. Feeling happier today! I've even found some used 200L blue drums that the RI has suggested I try practising on!

My 10 yr old daughter can not only touch the ground on both sides (Albeit on tippy toes) But can balance on it in riding position! May take me a while before I can beat her :D :D :D

You could try using a large yoga ball, they are so good for balance and riding position and they might be a bit easier on your hips due to their flexibility.