Feeling down....


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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I knew the bliss had to end!!

Reds cough is really getting to me, i cant ride - havent for a week. I feel like all the good work i was doing before is going down the drain, he is loosing fitness and muscle all the time.

Makes it even worse because i had some wonderful work out of him before he went poorly! And i was really thoroughly enjoying him!

Its so annoying because hes not even poorly - if he was i would know there was no way i could ride and i would genuinely feel sorry for the poor mite. Instead he is full of energy, enthusiastic, enjoying life, eating like a horse (no pun intended) and its really frustrating because he is still coughing.

I was supposed to be competing on Sunday but obviously i cant now and its difficult for me because i dont have my own transport so have to accept lifts and this was one of the times i could get a lift!

Plus the vet came across like its something that will go given time. He is coming out on Monday if hes no better!

The YOs keep saying its just a chill - nothing keep riding but i darent the cough seems quite deep. If i dint know better i would think he was coughing to get out of work the lazy sod!

Also got OHs parents staying for a week next week which means i get little or no time to myself!

Also its that time of the month and i genuinely feel like crying all the time or beating someone up!!

I tacked up last night as the vet said gentle walking would do him good got OH roped in (he doesnt do horses) to wander down the lane with me and then it P*SSED it down, i was so emotional i had a go at OH for no reason was slamming things down allover and its just not me, im usually so laid back!

Can someone just give me a slap round the face and tell me to get myself together!! Its very rare i feel this down!


Well-Known Member
23 April 2006
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* SLAP - SLAP - SLAP * you naughty girl for feeling like we all do some times!

Don't beat yourself up, Red won't loose his condition or his memory in such a short period and a little break might even the him some good.

Throw yourself into the in-laws visit, make a fuss of OH and by the following week Red will better, it won't be 'that week' and life will be rosie again.

Now chin up, best foot forward and smile


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Don't worry I have deserved my fair share of slaps too!!! One only at the weekend when trying to reverse my trailer onto the drive (I do it every week) and my OH dared to tell me I had it at the wrong angle...I completely lost the plot with him and he stormed off...so I had to leave the trailer in the middle of the drive and un hitch because it needs pushing back in place but is uphill so I can't do it on my own...had to go grovel for some help!!!!!
I have probably missed a previous post...but do you know why your horse is coughing? Are you sure it is not down to dust, bedding or hay in his stable? My boy will cough for England if he has just 1 pad of not so good hay...just a thought.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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He has been out 24/7 on grass, same as all summer and he had hay in the field for about 2 months before an no cough.

I requested a bale of hay in the field last night because the horses are hungry so maybe he will improve now his belly is full! i dont know what it is to be honest.

I can see im over reacting but i cant stop myself.

When i tell the YO i cant go to the dressage on sunday i fear i may burst in to tears!! I know he will try to tell me im going cough or no cough but i cant and i dont want to put Red through it. There will be more competitions!!

I wish i could get my head together!!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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God i know how you feel, i felt like this the other day.

Was having a few problems at the yard (only minor ones) and for the whole day i just felt like crying when usually i would just laugh it off.

Ended up taking it out on OH and had a good cry as you do but luckily he forgave and forgot (as he usually does at the certain time of month LOL).

Next day i felt much better

Red will be fine, if he is fine in himself then there is NOTHING to worry about, as someone else said he will probably enjoy the break and come back to work better than new.

There will be loads of comps you can go to and you will have Red for years to come so what i would do is once you have spent the week with the in-laws, pick another comp that you can work your way towards to cheer yourself up a bit.

Chin up hunny, we all feel like this sometimes


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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You make a hell of a lot of sense Kelly. Starting to feel a bit better, i should throw myself in to pampering Red instead of feeling bitter about it!

Everyone has problems, im not the only one!

Things just got on top of me a bit i think - hopefully i will be back to normal soon!!


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26 September 2006
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Oh no poor you!! There nothing worse than feeling like everything is going wrong.

Think you should get your OH to get you an enourmous bar of chocolate - works for me! (that or a bottle of wine ;o)

Have you tried Ventilate for Red? My vet recomended it to me after my mare had a course of ventapulmin and sputulosin, I was worried cos you can't compete on the drug but you can on ventilate. I got a tub at Badminton this year and touch wood, it has been amazing. It took about two weeks to stop the coughing but after that it was all systems go again! Now my feed merchant gets it in for me every month. Might be worth a try?

Cheer up, there's nothing that can't be fixed x


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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Hi Mel,

When mine have a lingering cough I usually get myself a bottle of Super Solvitax Respriation. Its full of garlic and eucalyptus and smells like it will get right to the bottom of the lungs. Its quite cheap too.

Set too and give him a huge grooming session - all his coat will be coming out at the moment and you can really lift the grease - he'll love it and will be extra shiney when you get going again.

Would also go with hannah's suggestion of chocolate and wine - but I would have mine after a hot bath, with slippers and dressing gown on. In fact I might just nip to the shops..........


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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Hey, thanks for that.

Oh is working tonight so i thing a bath sounds very tempting. Got 2 choccie muffins one for now one for tonight - to boost my choccie input.

Going to give red a good groom as suggested and that stuff sounds good so will have a look in farmway for some tonight!

He will be a happy bunny anyway because he has had to do no exercise for the past week and there is hay in the field now so he can do non stop munching!!

I need to chill out!!
