Well-Known Member
So, about three weeks ago one of the ponies had a hooley in the paddock and sustained a mild laminitis in response to the battering from the hard ground. Since then it has been a constant battle to keep him in off the grass (I only have a very basic, leaky shelter and no hard standing or stables). For the past week we have been making really good progress, and I'd been able to turn him out at night on a bareish patch and all was going well (no raised pulses, reduced medication (1 bute a day) and sound in walk). Last night though, the bare patch was all mud, and so I moved him to a fresh bit. What a mistake to make, this morning we are back at square one. The electric fence was all smashed down and he'd got into a patch of long grass and obviously enjoyed himself. to the extent that he's as bad as before. So he's back in again, frog supports back on and bute. I'm just feeling so down, because a) he's sore again and b) I don't have a lot of money right now and he's not insured for vets fees owing to his age so I feel really stuck, please could you send me some nice kind vibes - I know we'll get there eventually, its just so, so hard especially as we're on our own and not part of a yard.
If you waded through my tale of woe - thank you.
If you waded through my tale of woe - thank you.