Feeling Upset :'( Tendon Injury (Rare?)


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23 July 2010
North Yorkshire
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Its long and emotional, I do apologize.....
My horse slipped out behind whilst hacking in July last year and was diagnosed with a strained lateral digital extensor tendon in his right hind :(
Heart breaking and hard work, we went through the usual trauma of resting, cold and hot therapy, bute etc. Vet seemed positive and optimistic about the long term prognosis but we'd be looking at 6 - 9 months before he was right. He had a month off and then started a 12 week walking program, 8 weeks in and disaster. His left hind leg came in from the field sporting the exact same hard swelling and heat as had been seen with his right. Vet back out and sure enough, he'd done exactly the same in his left :eek: . Vet had never seen this, describing it as very rare and extremely unfortunate :(. Extensor tendons aren't a great weight bearing tendon, nor under a lot of stress and hence are unusual to strain, most injuries to them are seen as a result of direct trauma e.g wound. Back to square 1, upset, we went back to rest, bute, hosing etc. Have been so pleased with him recently, he's been back in work walking out and even started a bit of trotting, no heat and hard swellings had resided to almost unnoticeable :).
Had a bad weekend just gone and he came in from the field with a big hard knot again on his right hind :( (original 1st injury) with heat, 6 months since he first did it, yet the left and more recent fine :confused:. Heat disappeared after a few days and hard swelling perhaps reduced marginally but tonight he's come in and its HUGE and hot, even bigger again and as bad as if not worse as when he very first did it. :'(
I'm so upset, just when we were getting somewhere everytime we get knocked back. These injuries appear so very uncommon and rare that I can't get any support or feedback from other that have experienced it.
I just don't know what to do, he's my old boy and my world :(


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Not a lott I can say except to offer my sympathies. My daughter's mare did a fairly dramatic and unusual injury with a poor prognosis to herself, she was just getting better from that when she injured her stifle (pure temper at being on box rest!). She is fine now although there was less than a 25% chance of her coming right. Fingers crossed your old chap gets himself sorted.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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What age is he? With older horses you do get some degree of degeneration of connective tissue (with most tissues really) which does predispose them to this sort of problem. I would also be having a critical look at his leg conformation and foot balance. What is your vet suggesting regarding treatment? Have you had any scans done since the original diagnosis?

Sorry, lots of questions! I understand your emotion though, it is a horrible situation to be in :(


Active Member
23 July 2010
North Yorkshire
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What age is he? With older horses you do get some degree of degeneration of connective tissue (with most tissues really) which does predispose them to this sort of problem. I would also be having a critical look at his leg conformation and foot balance. What is your vet suggesting regarding treatment? Have you had any scans done since the original diagnosis?

Sorry, lots of questions! I understand your emotion though, it is a horrible situation to be in :(

He is coming 18 this year and at over 17hh, full Thoroughbred and having raced for several years he hasn't got the greatest legs but is sound as a quiet happy hacker. I will have a look for some recent pictures re: his foot balance and hind leg confo. His cannons are very long and typically fine, his hind leg is relatively straight and perhaps a bit upright from the side although from behind he is noticeably base narrow. Other than a splint on the outside of his right they are pretty clean for a horse of his age and history. I did change farrier about 18 months ago but it has always been his front feet that required more attention. We haven't had a scan done since as had been really pleased with how it appeared to be healing and settling. How wrong I appear to be :( Obviously heart broken and upset again for now a third time, I can only take constellation in the fact he is happy in himself and seems unphased by what is going on his body. He hasn't been on bute for any great deal of time (a week consecutive at most), both encouraging that he isn't in too much pain and of course not having to deal with the additional consequences of longterm NSAID use. I haven't trotted him as it was dark and seemed unfair, it is quite clear that his leg is definitely injured again. Although he is still comfortably over tracking at walk and weight bearing (will pick both back feet up etc). He just looks at me so innocently like 'mum, whats up?' :(


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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I do sympathise, I am about 4 months into rehab of an oldie with sdft damage (bilateral though one leg much worse). It's tough going at times, although like yours has not been on painkillers and has in fact remained 'sound' throughout :rolleyes: In addition to coldhosing I am using an equissage 2x daily, I have seen some remarkable healing with it before so is worth a shot - I am lucky my YO has one and is happy for me to borrow it :)

<<Healing vibes being sent your way>>


Active Member
23 July 2010
North Yorkshire
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Thanks Rhino, you too have my sympathy and I send hugs and healing vibes to you and your injured oldie, hope he/she continues to progress and recover very soon.
Thanks DOD too, great news to hear your mare came right despite the odds.
I wish you could explain to them to just behave themselves! :rolleyes:

Unfortunately tendon injuries or all descriptions are all too common and every horse owners worst nightmare. Fingers crossed time will be the greatest healer.