Feeling worn down (My first ever moan)!!


Well-Known Member
25 September 2003
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Before I start I really do not want this to be a negative post. That is not my intention. So if it comes across as negative. Sorry

I am just feeling a bit tired of everything at the moment.

For anyone who knows me well, I have been through hell and back with my neddy and the end result involved riding my boy shoeless and giving him a natural lifestyle. (Stabling, rugging etc caused him much stress and made him very poorly).

I am excited about getting back on S during the Christmas break but I found myself today thinking "Oh, wouldn't it be easier to just put shoes back on, clip and rug"? The answer is of course "Yes, it would. For me"!! Then I had to look at it from S's point of view and what we have already been through together and of course it is not an option. It really upset me that I felt that ground down by going the route I have gone.

It is almost as if, if you are into any kind of "natural horse" stuff you are in to the lot and hate all things conventional. I don't!!

I am tired of explaining to conventional horse peeps, what I do and why I do it. I actually now avoid the subject as I bore myself. I don't want to be an outsider I want to be part of the gang but doing it my way because I have to.

The old gal is wearing me down too. I keep wondering what to do for the best. Should I have her PTS now or wait until her eyes tell me she has had enough? But, isn't that too late?? Arrrggghhhh!!

Hmmm, I do sounds very negative, don't I?

Ah well.

So anyway, this is the first time I have had a wobble in 2 1/2 years.



Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I'm sorry you are feeling down with it all. I think you just have to pick yourself up and get on with it, hard as it may seem at times.

Only you will know the time for the old one to pass over to the next life.

I hope you feel a bit brighter about it all soon.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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Is there anything wrong with the old gal? is she still enjoying life? eg playing or the odd buck or anything like that? if you can see it in her eyes that she is tired it would only be fair to PTS. I dont really know the circumstances about either off your GG's but If you dont want to go on about it do what you think is best for both of your horses it your decision your life and you know best what does it matter what anyone else thinks??


Well-Known Member
29 September 2006
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I don't know you or your horses history, but if you feel so worn down by it all, would giving her to a retirement home not be an option!!
Or could you hire someone to help you out now and then so you can have resbite?
Keep your chin up


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
Don't worry about it, I had the same issue because I choose to only shoe in front. Every time my ex instructor made some comment, I just ignored her, then stopped useing her. She thought she could comment on me leaving mine out 24/7 in the summer, again my horses & the YO was fine, so again I ignored her. I do clip my horses but that is because they are ridden or lunged every day & I do not have time to deal with hot sweaty horses, but they are happy to be rugged & stabled at night. As it has been said many, many times b4 how u keep your horse is your business so long as the horse is happy. What the heck all the horse cares about is being warm & fed & they soon let you know if they are not happy. You do what suits your and your horse.


Well-Known Member
25 September 2003
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Everyone, thanks for all your kind words.

I feel a bit of a wally this morning. I re-read my post and was like "Oh shut up you silly cow"!!

I think sometimes you can think too much about a situation. Sometimes it is best to start again the next day.

Re the old gal. As Tia said, I know she will let me know when she doesn't like life anymore. I just think about it too much!!

Thanks darlins