Well-Known Member
We are 6 months post taking shoes off. For a horse with flat thin soles she’s doing well - we can manage a 4o minute walk hack on good roads bfoot. She struggles with stones. We’ve been working on her feet since I got her 2.5 years ago. Shoes came off as part of rehab for a medial branch injury (left hind) - hospital felt feet could have contributed. I’ve just had x-rays done again - vet feels axis angles not too bad and possibly an improvement in sole angles (though still very flat). Vet thinks she’s doing remarkably well, i’ll TAlk to farrier at next trim (he’s been very supportive). Ive looked at X-rays until can’t see straight - would any of you feet experts take a look and let me know what you think please?! I Can send old and new to compare. Thank you