I don't rate it at all, myself. In all the cases of anxiety I've dealt with (well, ok, only 3, but still a 0 % success rate with the plug in AND spray), removal of the cause has been the only thing to solve it.
Ok so the reason is we are going away on holiday and leaving the two cats at home alone, they will be checked and fed twice daily. But one is a young kitten (6 months) and loves people, the other a 5yo cat who hates the kitten and makes her stressed.
Removing the kitten and not going on holiday are not options!
It works really well with my cat and has an almost immediate effect. I think that statistically it tends to work for most cats but not all of them, so it depends on your luck!
Feliway is an outstanding product and I know lots of people who have used it with great success.
A friend's cat didn't like men and was unfriendly towards her boyfriend. Within a week of plugging in the diffuser the cat became friendly with her bf. The pheromones calm cats and de-stress them.
I know of people who have had seen the changes within a day, and others where it has taken two weeks before they see positive changes in their cat's behaviour.
I used it to keep my cat calmer for two house moves - didn't make any difference as far as I could see. I guess some cats may respond better than others?
Well she is definitely more affectionate and like she was prior to the kitten, kitten is just an a*se but balls off for him next week which I hope will help!