Festive Foxes and John Lewis (aka Waitrose)


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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What do we have here, an advertising executive who is anti hunting, by portraying fluffy little darling foxes frolicking on a child's trampoline.

Clearly using John Lewis aka Waitrose as a fulcrum to further their views.


Let's be frank this is a ridiculous advertisement and I dare say, that whilst not all contributors to this forum shop at John Lewis and Waitrose, many are customers. Along with a large proportion of hunting, shooting and fishing folk who are not only customers but also suppliers directly and indirectly.

Largely people who look for quality, value for money and a pleasant shopping experience, not some attempt to brain wash them into thinking foxes are likely to frolic on a child's trampoline, in order to satiate their retail needs and wishes.

One could start by using the word conspiracy, or indeed political correctness, although with Mr Trump's election as President of the US, the expression 'Political Correctness' is now obsolete.

Mr Rocos the Operations Director and I believe the equivalent of the CEO of John Lewis, would do well to sack their advertising agency by way of example, that such respected retailers do not get involved in controversial subjects. Thus setting an example that reflects the sheer stupidity and lack of knowledge, that is demonstrated by anybody, that does not know foxes, particularly in urban areas are covered in mange, defecate everywhere, attack cats and are a thundering nuisance.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Not everyone has the same opinion of foxes as you do. Not exactly difficult to get your head round.

Don't be ridiculous, clearly The Times shares 'my' views.

Foxes, particularly in urban areas are mange ridden, deficate (sh.t) so that both adults and children often step in 'it' in gardens and parks.

Foxes in urban areas such as London, are on epidemic proportions and only one step away from a Rabies outbreak if there was a Rabid dog brought into the country by an illegal immigrant for example.


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30 May 2008
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I cant believe people took to twitter to complain. God what sad lives these people must lead.
Having said that, there was one woman who got very animated on a radio phone in a couple of years ago about the JL penguin advert, because the girl penguin came wrapped up in a box.

FFS, its not literal is it.

Bore off you sad miserable small minded imagination-less dullards.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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OP - You don't mention the Badger or the squirrels. Is that because they don't feature in your blood sport or because they aren't wicked spawns of satan?

The badger could not get onto the trampoline aside from the fact they too defecate in unsocial places and carry tuberculosis. Squirrels are vermin and damage thousands of acres of timber.

The cost of the advertisement is £1,000,000.00 one million pounds and counting! It is an offensive insult to the public, shareholders and member shoppers at such as Waitrose.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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It's supposed to be a light hearted commercial anyone with half a brain knows foxes don't jump on trampolines with each other, everything defecates it might not be were you feel is appropriate but they are wild animals at the end of the day everywhere is a toilet to them, maybe we should all complain about the singing dog in the flash advert because dogs don't sing and it's an insult to us humans to insinuate that they do!

you seriously need to get a life if commercials are all you have to moan about.


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25 August 2015
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It's supposed to be a light hearted commercial anyone with half a brain knows foxes don't jump on trampolines with each other.....

Oh yes they do.... Paulnasherryrocky's posted this link yesterday

Foxes in USA www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8xJtH6UcQY

and just to show they do it in the UK too, Brighton...www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS38ddD1trk

Judgemental, dear ... it's time for your shot.

*yells* 'Nurse! The screens ...'

LMAO :D:D:D I wondered how long it would take the OP to post about this.


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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Also having seen them climb, I'm pretty sure a badger could get on a trampoline.

I don't mind foxes, even the rabid, mangy flea ridden urban ones. If humans weren't such disgusting animals they wouldn't proliferate. I think it's a case of getting our own house in order first.
25 April 2016
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I agree with judgemental here.....
Foxes are vermin...badgers are vermin...treerats are vermin...squirrels to you...hedgehogs are tasty....foxes diet here
They are bein portraid in a light of which they are cuddly playfuls...they aint n the trampoline should be coverd in ****...n from the badger...TB n ****...it only an ad but a badly portraid one i might ad...that my opinion..i know a few farmers shoot on sught as tbey lamb killers.i sure they lovvvvvvve this ad

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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I agree with judgemental here.....
Foxes are vermin...badgers are vermin...treerats are vermin...squirrels to you...hedgehogs are tasty....foxes diet here
They are bein portraid in a light of which they are cuddly playfuls...they aint n the trampoline should be coverd in ****...n from the badger...TB n ****...it only an ad but a badly portraid one i might ad...that my opinion..i know a few farmers shoot on sught as tbey lamb killers.i sure they lovvvvvvve this ad

Trip trap.

Calm down, Dear. As someone said above, it's only a commercial.

(And I think your spellcheck is on the blink. Or you are. Whichever. I hope you feel better in the morning :) )
25 April 2016
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Dont use a spell check n rarely drink....it is only a commercial and sometimes used to inflence or coherce us otherwise....we are on a hunting forum after all...some see foxes as vermin.the hunted...others see them as furry little cuties on a trampoline....fight the ban or carry on regardless....
25 April 2016
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It seems coincidental that last year the hunts were in the news and forums for the wrong reasons...still hunting.drinkin on hunt.drunk on hunt..blah blah blah...the main advent in the hunting calender for publuc support is boxing day...and this advert comes out to drum up the pity stakes for the darling fox on a trampoline b4 xmas...i may be paranioa or think some 1 is watchin.i may know more than you know bout this......think

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Dont use a spell check n rarely drink....it is only a commercial and sometimes used to inflence or coherce us otherwise....we are on a hunting forum after all...some see foxes as vermin.the hunted...others see them as furry little cuties on a trampoline....fight the ban or carry on regardless....

(And in light of your latest addition to the debate)

OK - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you're not a troll.

1) I used the word 'blink' not 'drink' :)

2) I am (actually) a hunt supporter. But HHO is NOT a hunting forum, although this board does debate hunting.

3) If you'd like people to consider your pro-hunt views in future, may I suggest you DO use spellcheck and think what you want to say before you post? (although I do like 'coherce' as a word) Plus your most recent post is actually quite hard to understand. Try reading it aloud back to yourself (or someone else with you) and if it makes good sense and is English, then press 'post'.

Oh. And 4) Using capitals as your user name makes you come across as being a shouty, chip-on-shoulder sort of person, ever before you're typed a word. Just sayin' :)
Last edited:
25 April 2016
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This proves you are an english teacher or have a dictionary to hand..i did not finish school or have any exams...ill bear in mind your 4 pointers next time im huntin.....only briefly mind...and my user name is what the computer keyboard was on when i first signed in....capitals or not...i rarely read deeply in to things like this

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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.i rarely read deeply in to things like this

*grins* You couldn't be more wrong about me!

And as for the bit in quotes above? It shows. Try reading more deeply into things and you might understand the opinions in the world around you a bit better. It'll serve you well if you want to influence people about your arguments in future :)
25 April 2016
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I dont want to influence people regards my arguments...i am.posting my opinion.u either agree or dont...i dont really care on tbe issue...i just think foxes on a trampoline is crass....u read i to it however you see fit...i am a hunt supporter and hunter.my views from me...the rest o the worlds opinion dont matter.in my opinion

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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.the rest o the worlds opinion dont matter.in my opinion

It (as I said before) shows. So what's the point in ranting like that if you don't want people to take what you say seriously? Although if it makes you feel better, then I suppose that's a good thing ...

For instance, I yell at the British Gas ads at the moment .... why the hell are they showing a penguin wanting a boiler fixed in the UK ... AND??? ... it's wearing a duffle coat! Don't they know it'll die?!

Then I remember ... *whispers* It's only an advert and people will always be wilfully stupid if they wish to be, with or without ads ...


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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I support hunting whole heartedly. I "sort of" enjoyed the whimsy of the advert though they could have kept the whole "wildlife" leaping on it and just stuck to the dog. It would have been funnier and as I have friends whose dogs do get on their trampoline..more realistic. There have, however, already been a plethora of adverts which take the mickey out of this (the trashed trampoline etc).

While I would hope that the general public would see that an ad showing all those creatures together as fantasy, I do appreciate that many will take it on face value.

My first thought when the foxes showed up was "have the copywriters ever smelt the horror which is fox poo? Particularly when embedded in a dogs coat".