Fidgety Mare - Suggestions?


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30 May 2011
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Hi again,
it's been a while! hope everyone is alright and 2012 is treating you all well :)

Because i''m being lazy; m-horse & d-daughter

My daughters mare has grown on me and we've decided she has a home for life here with us, so smiles all round! D has been having lots and lots of lessons and the jumping is sorted! I love watching them go round it really does make me a proud mum.
Our new issue is standing; M has a very relaxed attitude, not much bother her on the ground, a real mothers dream however recently she's been starting to try it on a bit in the school. D will ask her to halt but remain soft and suddenly M gets very panicky, she'll goes side ways, backwards, turns on the forehand, tread on her own feet and generally just gets herself very worked up! D has tried stroking her neck & talking to her, using her legs to push her the other way, giving her a smack on the shoulder, tickling her with a schooling whip etc but nothing seems to be working?! I dont think its meant in any nasty way but i'm just anxious that she may get set in bad habbits / start to rear, as D says she feels like she will go up but she never actually does.
So if anybody has any suggestions I would be so very grateful & sorry for my long rambling paragraph with awful spelling!


22 March 2009
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Congrats on getting other things sorted.

Here's what I would do

Ask for a halt. If you don't get it, take one rein only, other one totally slack, and put her on a small, small circle. Just sit there as a passenger, all quiet, just directing that energy on an uncomfortably small circle. As small as possible.
She might pick up trot, that's ok, just carry on
At some point she will realise that she isn't getting anywhere and offer to halt.
At that instant, release the rein and let her stop, and just sit quiet
If she goes to move off again before you ask just repeat
Be consistent and do this over and over and she will get the message that halting when asked is much nicer for her than walking round in small circles!
Direct the energy and be a passenger.