Finaly... pics of my new horse! :)


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Everyone meet Loki! :D
He's a 15h, 5 year old Cob gelding and my new pride and joy :D Sorry can't figure out how to have all the photos the right way up :rolleyes:






Vet check went really well. Photo's aren't doing him justice really but in his defence he'd been through what turned out to be a bit of a traumatic experience. He was a complete lamb (apart from trying to steal the vet's pen at every given opportunity!) all the way through until the vet tried to take blood. As soon as he saw the needle in her hand he got really scared and would not stand still at all! He was shaking his head to try and get her hand off him even before she got it near him with the pointy bit. Didn't realise it was in case he'd been doped or had been given bute or I wouldn't have bothered attempting but at least now we know he's got a needle phobia :rolleyes: ;) In the end we admitted defeat and after a wee while we gave him a wee feed to try and cheer him up a bit after all the fuss. Anyway going to have to practice with things that aren't pointy but resemble needles to try and desensitise him a bit. Feelin sorry for the vet (different one) who's coming on sunday to give him his vaccinations! :p
P.s I was holding him close to the headcollar coz he kept turning his head away from the camera. Think he's camera shy! Bless! ;)
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Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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He's lovely - and so are your xmas decorations! :)

Thank you, can't wait to see how he looks when he's got a bit more muscle on him and he's been clipped of all the fuzz :D I'm sooo excited, Loki is my first horse and the first really big thing I've ever done for myself :D So pleased with him!
The owners mum went all out with the decorations, they are brill, you should see the ones in the office! They've got a christmas model landscape type thing that plays music and the tree spins! :D


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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Aww he's lovely, good luck with him :) Hopefully he'll get over his needle phobia soon as well haha. What are your plans for him?

Well I plan to just enjoy lots of time with him doing whatever we can, lots of TLC and lots of learning together :D We are going to bring him on slowly with lots of schoolwork and hacking for short periods of 15-20 mins coz he hasn't really been schooled properly before. He's not got great balance so he's a bit wobbly in the school if you know what I mean? He's not got a lot of proper muscle, especially on his top line. He's nice and slow (good for me, wee confidence booster) and is a very laid back boy so he's eventually going to be used as a working livery. :)
I need to get the farrier out to see him so we can talk about his hooves, the vet says he's a bit upright on his forelegs so we'll see what can be done about that. Mind you the shoes he's wearing are really thick! ;) And the back ones need to grow out a bit and get trimmed coz they aren't looking as fab as they could since his back shoes came off - not that there is anything wrong with them, they could just use some tidying up :)


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16 January 2009
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He is lovely a nice size too. He is cleaner than you!

Good luck with him..he is lovely and yes your yard looks nice a cheerful.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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he's gorgeous :) Your yard looks fab too!! Good Luck with him look forward to updates :) x

wow he looks just like my horse (she doesn't like needles either :p and OMG i LOVE your stables they're gorge!!!!! :D

Thank you! I'm a proud new mummy! :D


...but good god woman, have you been rolling in the mud like a horse?! Lol

Hee hee! I honestly don't have a clue how I get so dirty! It's like I walk through the muddy bits in the field and all the dirt decides to have a wee wander up my legs to see what the view is like from up there! ;):rolleyes:
I tend to wipe my manky muddy hands on myself a lot, especially my bum ha ha! Poor waterproofs take a right bashing when I wear them :)

cute name ♥

Thanks, I named him after the norse god of mischief and tricks... Hope he doesn't live up to his name too much! ;)


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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He is lovely a nice size too. He is cleaner than you!

Good luck with him..he is lovely and yes your yard looks nice a cheerful.

Thelwell "Smart horse, scruffy rider" anyone? ;) I did try to make him look pretty for the vet but she got there mid hoof picking. So when she had a look at her feet she had to pick out the ones I hadn't gotten round to. Brill service: "one vet check, free hoof cleaning gratis" :D


Well-Known Member
22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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I'm a bit like that, always end up filthy...but you look like you took a dunking! Heehee :D

Almost took one yesterday, the wind was actually pushing me across the slippy bits in the field. If I had ski's and a sail I could have checked all the horses in record time! :D
Bit naughty of me, I haven't cleaned my waterproofs for weeks :eek: