Finding part time groom jobs


Well-Known Member
29 July 2018
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What the title says really. I used to volunteer at at a riding school, and I’ve found myself really missing spending my weekend at the yard. The thing is, I used to work 8-7 Sat + Sun, often being the only one on the yard, and I never even received a free ride, let alone any pay. And nowadays I can’t afford volunteering away my time either.

So I’ve been thinking about finding a weekend groom job, ideally just one day weekly, but regardless I’m yet to find anything on yardandgroom. Are there any other websites where people advertise openings? Or would it be alright for me to email yards asking about vacancies - given that I have no qualifications, just experience at this one yard - and, if yes, how do you phrase that kind of email? I’m assuming the overly formal emails you send to companies aren't necessary.

Or does anyone have any advice for other ways to get a horsey fix?

Thanks in advance for any help xx

sport horse

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23 January 2002
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Facebook - 'Grooms,jobs & riders' page, post a wanted job. Find the equestrian pages for the area you cover and again post a wanted advert