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Hi I have a generally laid back ISH who had never hunted. He can get fixated with other horses and nap towards them if we see some out hacking, and has major issues leaving horses in a hack etc.
I took him to an end of season joint hunt which was both out first time hunting and it's safe to say it was a shock to the system! It started off chilled in the field, my horse was standing no problems. I was planning to go with the non jumpers for the first go, but then everything set off at once and before I knew it I was riding up front heading towards jumping a gate and a ditch etc!!! There was no chance in hell of stopping him he just ran and ran and I was literally at the front of a very large meet flat out jumping everything.
My friend had fallen and the hunt master stopped so someone could catch her horse, which was my opportunity to turn round...except my horse had other ideas and started throwing himself round and when blocked reared vertical. I don't remember at which point but I got off to walk back with a crazy large ish dancing around trying to run off.
We decided to call it a day and went back with some help of a lovely man and made it back to the original field. After everyone else's horse (except mine, there was 4 of us) had calmed down we continued to follow the hunt from A LONG WAY behind. Eventually everything else chilled and mine still was rearing if we stopped or he saw the hunt and we turned away and just generally het up. We carried on and even when everyone was plodding back down the road when it had ended he was still jogging and everytime I tried to turn him to wait for my friends he'd rear / spin round and try to run back.
Sorry that is so long, but I want to know if anyone has had a horse this bad and it has ever settled!? We were told that hunts generally aren't as crazy and busy as that, I think everything setting off galloping at once didn't help or is that generally what happens? Thanks for reading if anyone got through that!!
I took him to an end of season joint hunt which was both out first time hunting and it's safe to say it was a shock to the system! It started off chilled in the field, my horse was standing no problems. I was planning to go with the non jumpers for the first go, but then everything set off at once and before I knew it I was riding up front heading towards jumping a gate and a ditch etc!!! There was no chance in hell of stopping him he just ran and ran and I was literally at the front of a very large meet flat out jumping everything.
My friend had fallen and the hunt master stopped so someone could catch her horse, which was my opportunity to turn round...except my horse had other ideas and started throwing himself round and when blocked reared vertical. I don't remember at which point but I got off to walk back with a crazy large ish dancing around trying to run off.
We decided to call it a day and went back with some help of a lovely man and made it back to the original field. After everyone else's horse (except mine, there was 4 of us) had calmed down we continued to follow the hunt from A LONG WAY behind. Eventually everything else chilled and mine still was rearing if we stopped or he saw the hunt and we turned away and just generally het up. We carried on and even when everyone was plodding back down the road when it had ended he was still jogging and everytime I tried to turn him to wait for my friends he'd rear / spin round and try to run back.
Sorry that is so long, but I want to know if anyone has had a horse this bad and it has ever settled!? We were told that hunts generally aren't as crazy and busy as that, I think everything setting off galloping at once didn't help or is that generally what happens? Thanks for reading if anyone got through that!!