First show jumping class in decades and I do three in a row!!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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I have just woken up groggily from an afternoon kip and I suspect I will ache all over tomorrow. The reason, trainer managed to persuade me it was a good idea to get out and do local showjumping classes. We are not brilliant at sj and nerves are a bit wobbly but just getting out there and doing it was considered a "good idea"! Once there she casually suggested I enter the clear round, the novice and the intermediate and I couldn't really think of a reason why not. We duly did a clear round in the clear round. Hoorah! First jumping rosette since a teenager (so I do mean decades ago!!) Horse had woken up to the idea of jumping again so our round in the novice saw him getting stronger and stronger, resulting in fighting between fences and lots of bringing back to trot. One pole down when he jumped too flat. In the intermediate he was even stronger and I had to ride as hard as I could. Another 4 faults but through to the jump off as everyone (all 4 of us - hahaha!) had 4 faults. So round again, slightly more in control but still a struggle. Another 4 faults. The results/ribbons were not important just the fact that we did it. I came home wanting to do it all again but lots better and nerves were not the problem I though they would be. Need to get a lot of grid work done between now and next time out.

I just wish now that I had considered the physical impact on my not-so-young, jumping unfit, body of doing 4 rounds in a morning on a big strong horse!!! I'm certainly not as young as I used to be and sadly, not any wiser it seems!!!!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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The three rosettes you mean!
There were only 3 and 4 entries in the classes (very low key show, very bad weather!) so I came third and fourth!! hahaha! I will be slightly more impressed with myself if I ever get placed with people below me!

Thanks for your encouragement!!