First time hunting


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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being a newcomer to hunting I will give it a go but I am sure a more experienced person will fill in the gaps.

Call the hunt secretary to introduce yourself and find out where and when the meet is - also at this point ask about parking as you normally have to park a little away from the meet and hack there - ask if it is main season or autumn hunting and how much the cap is.

Get to the parking in plenty of time, most people travel tacked up but I tack up in the trailer and then just hop on - plain tack and plain saddlecloth/numnah, generally no boots on horse in case of rubs - for you - beige jods/breeches, black boots (black or brown if autumn trailing) tweed jacket if autumn hunting and black hunt coat if main season - coloured stock or tie with tweed jacket and cream with black jacket - black or blue silk on hat, black gloves.

Meet up at the designated place and hand cap (money) over to hunt secretary - say good morning to everyone. If Autumn trailing you will move straight off if a "lawn meet" you will be provided with a drink (port etc) and finger food before moving away. Follow everyone and do as the rest of the field do (field refers to the riders) but follow directions given from field master. You May find youself trotting down roads, cantering over fields, popping over jumps or standing around alot depending on where trails have been laid. Always point horses head towards hounds as they are passing and move out of the way for all hunt staff and field master (again point head of horse towards them).

You may be out a couple of hours or 4/5 hours depending on time of year. If you wish to leave before the end of the meet then say goodnight and thank you to everyone and and ask for directions back to your trailer.

Most of all - get on and do it ! eveyone is usually very welcoming and if you dont have the right "kit" speak to the hunt secretary as its more important that you go and support the hunt than what you wear (so I am told ! but I know I was as worried about looking right as anything else)