First time ridden showing


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22 June 2019
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So when it comes to ridden showing (or showing in general) I am completely clueless as I’ve never done anything like that before since I usually stick to jumping and dressage.

I will be taking my 19 year old thoroughbred mare to her first ever local show and showing her in the veteran class (maybe some other classes but haven’t decided which ones yet).

I’m super nervous as I have no idea what to expect and don’t want to make a fool of myself so I was just looking for some advice on how should she be turned out, what kind of bits/tack are allowed to be used, what would I have to wear (would white jodhpurs be allowed or do they have to be cream?)

I’ve watched a few videos on YouTube to just to see what happens in showing classes and I’m still kinda puzzled. 😂


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For veterans you turn out to type, so if you could pop a photo up that would be most helpful in determining her type.

I suspect she will likely be a riding horse type so for you:
Tweed jacket, shirt, tie, navy hat (hair in a bun for ladies), beige jods, long black boots, brown gloves and show cane.
Note that for veteran classes you are not allowed to wear spurs.
Ideally a straight cut saddle but for a local show just go with what you have
Discrete Numnah that fits neatly under the saddle.
Bridle with either snaffle, double or pelham.
Pretty ribbon browband.

For a ridden class you will all enter the ring and when the steward instructs as a group you will walk trot and canter, change the rein and then walk trot and canter the other way. You do not gallop in veteran classes.
You will then be called into a line, this may be in a preliminary order or random order.
One by one the steward will instruct you to go forwards for the judge where you will stand your horse up for the judge to get a good look at them. The judge will then ask you to do a show.
Keep your show simple and short, too long and you will bore the judge and risk things going wrong. A good show for veterans is:
Walk away from the judge, trot when you hit the track, trot a figure of 8, canter a figure of 8 changing the rein through trot, then at the end of the second loop of canter back to trot along the straight, walk, halt, salute and then make your way back into line.

Once the judge has seen everyone then they will ask the rider at the top of the line to lead off and will call you in to line in your final placings


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25 August 2010
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What conniegirl said, try not to get too nervous just practice at home exactly how you would do it at a show, most of all enjoy yourself it's meant to be fun.


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10 December 2008
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You've just described me last summer - even down to doing the veteran class. Go an hour early and watch a class or two before yours so you get an idea of what to do - you won't do the gallop in a veteran class but everything else will be the same. I show mine as a hunter as that's what he is but each horse is turned out according to its type so we're up against tiny kids' ponies, hairy natives, riding horses, ROR, cobs etc. so you need to deceide what type your horse is and dress accordingly. If it's just a local show I'd wear your normal tack (make sure it's nice and clean!) rather than getting worried about double bridles etc. In your indivudal show, as long as you show walk, trot and canter on each rein, you'll be fine.

Maesto's Girl

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4 January 2016
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She is lovely what's her breeding and percentage are you planning on doing any AHS shows?

I am trying to find out her background as she was sold as a yearling at a horse sales so at the moment we just stay local. From what the previous owner has told me, she was told she is high percentage crossed with QH. I'd love to know for sure though


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25 August 2010
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I am trying to find out her background as she was sold as a yearling at a horse sales so at the moment we just stay local. From what the previous owner has told me, she was told she is high percentage crossed with QH. I'd love to know for sure though

Oh right I thought she was registered with the AHS, that's a shame she isn't what is her passport name?


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25 August 2010
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No unfortunately - her background is a bit of a mystery I want to solve! Her name is Chantilly Lace (Lacey)

Was going to suggest contacting some palomino studs I think most of those tend to register there horses with the relevant societies, it could be a case of her papers have been lost or not passed on hence the standard passport.