Where would you draw the line RS/FC? Mr Smith down the road goes fishing on the riverbanks for a trout for dinner, he catches a few that are too small so puts them back, enjoys his fishing, does it for sport aswell as food, 4th catch is big enough for supper.....
Because I believe that harming or killing animals for sport is immoral. So is the practice of making killing or harming animals into a sport. However, I cannot deny anyone the right to eat.
The primary intention is to catch a fish, not to harm it. It's rubbishg to say that people are getting sport out of harming fish, they are getting sport out of catching fish. That's the bit they enjoy. There's no fun to be had in harming fish except for very very strange people. I suspect the number of 'pesco sadists' in thbis country is in the single figures, if they exist at all.
Why ban such a massively popular sport for a completely ridiculous and superfluous reason? That would be as stupid as banning people from letting their dogs chase wild mammals which can get away.
Who would police a ban that any reasonable person would consider to be absurd?
There's nothing wrong with catching a fish if you let it go again.
I think fishing is potentially far worse than fox hunting - at least in that, the fox is dead within seconds once he is caught - fishing for food is ok in my book, but catch and release is appaling - leaving them with injuries and tossing them back in the water? Awful, can't stand it.
Yes, I could probably cope with a net - provided they don't keep them out of the water - it is the releasing them with injured mouths that goes through me - also no objection to them being caught with a line then killed for food.
As I say emma, I can understand your objection based on animal welfare although personally I don't think the injury to the mouth causes cruelty.
What I don't agree with is people making moral arguments based on 'causing harm for sport' which is clearly NOT what people who fish are doing.
If fishing is causing pain or significant damage to the fish then there is a balance to be udged between this negative effect and other positive things about fishing.
I fish and I am proud of it. I don't coarse fish but seafish instead. Any for the pot are killed quickly by a blow to the head as I don't believe in leaving them flapping around to suffocate to death, which btw is how thousands of fish die that end up in the British fish and chip shops. So before anyone decides to take a moral stance against fishing and they do eat fish, any fish that is, whether supermarket/fishmonger/chip shop, then they should question why they feel fishing with a hook and line is immoral?
Any which are undersize or inedible are always put back by me. I put any rubbish away and give any left over bait to the crabs or birds. Fishing line and used or broken/rusty hooks are put in a jar which travels around with me.
What I do detest though is those that fish that have no respect for the wildlife or the environment. I was once fishing on some rocks in Wales that were terrible to get to and the whole experience of climbing down was frightening.
When I got there though just above on a plateau where people had fished from there was discarded line, tackle and plastic ammo wrappers and similar, even beer cans.
Sorry to say this and sound sexist but yes they were most probably men as I have yet to find an untidy fisherwoman and I have met a few on the beaches and piers.
They are the people who give responsible fisherpeople a bad reputation.
In the case of coarse fishing I don't do it because it is boring, more expensive ( sea fishing you can catch or dig most of your own bait and not sit there for hours making expensive boilees) and does in fact cost more money mainly due to the licensing issue and the fact that in many cases you have to buy an additional permit/license to fish certain rivers or stretches of water.
At least the money spent is used to good effect though and bad fisherpeople and the now banned lead weights aside people that fish do serve a purpose in protecting wildlife and waterways.
If there has been a spill by a local factory into a river or waterway I can guess that 9/10 of the people that reported the accident were about to fish.
They act as patrollers on british waterways and in effect help to preserve the watery landscape. If the areas were not being fished and revenue gained from the sport what would become of the pond/lake/waterway?
More tourism? More pollution? Waterside development projects ie houses, businesses etc.
I know what I would rather see on a visit to one of my local lakes. People quietly fishing than houses or businesses being built. Or worse still tourists and their associated rubbish.
In terms of welfare to the fish many fisherpeople respect their catch particularly coarse fishing. Why damage a carp which one day may become a record breaker?
With gloves, fish mats etc fish are handled as little as possible and with barbless hooks there is little trauma to the fish that is caught. I always unhook on a mat or bag and wet my hands or hold a towel on the fish so as not to damage the mucus layer.
I don't use barbless for sea fishing because I fish to eat and only do it on hols anyway which is not often lol.
It's hard enough trying to catch fish in vast open waters that are governed by tides and weather conditions without the added disability of hooks with no barbs. Sea fish are much larger in some cases and stronger fighters and can easily get rid of them as for one thing the underwater terrain is much harsher with rocks, kelp and strong tides, a bit different to a calm clay bed pond with a few underwater oxygenators and reeds.
Well said Caz to just say ban it because it's people enjoying hurting fish is simplistic and stupid. As long as it's done responsibly it's perfectly ok.
I don't mind fishing at all. I'v never been and have no intention as I can't think of a more boring sport than sitting on a river bank for hours on end to catch one pathetic fish.
At the end of the day it is each to their own and if someone would like to fish that is up to them. Although how (if the government decides to ban fishing) they may police all the small lakes and rivers is beyond me! Its almost as ridiculous as the hunting ban!
Fishing like hunting was around hundreds and thousands of years before us, and I think we should keep them around!
Also why be so bothered about the fish, they have a 2 second memory, im sure the ones released will forget about it!
I fail to understand why people who consider foxhunting to be cruel are often the very people who are happy to lure a fish onto a hook (which, let's face it, has got to hurt) just for the purpose of weighing it and/or photographing it, then throwing it back into the water, potentially infected. How is that sport, and how is it not cruel?