Well-Known Member
Have acquired a new horse who has clearly been incorrectly schooled in draw reins (possibly tight side reins!). As a result his head carriage is very incorrect - his neck looks curved in the middle.
He's very tight in the poll and wither area, which we are addressing immediately with chiro and stretching.
Am thinking of schooling him long and low on the lunge in a hope to help correct his muscle structure. He goes quite short strided under saddle though as he is tense. He overbends at the slightest opportunity and generally moves tensely and what to my eyes looks like a classical misuse of draw reins case
I'm sure people are familiar with what I am trying to describe!
I know a lot of people here have reschooled horses in this situation - any tips gratefully received!
He's very tight in the poll and wither area, which we are addressing immediately with chiro and stretching.
Am thinking of schooling him long and low on the lunge in a hope to help correct his muscle structure. He goes quite short strided under saddle though as he is tense. He overbends at the slightest opportunity and generally moves tensely and what to my eyes looks like a classical misuse of draw reins case
I know a lot of people here have reschooled horses in this situation - any tips gratefully received!