Can you tell me how much you are paying for flu/tet vac. I have just had a vet bill from new vet[mine stopped doing horses]and he is charging a lot more than previous vet,just need to know cost of vac not visit.Thanks
£65 ,the bill is a complete mess and for two visits for two horses1]colic,mild,both times 2]deep wound which was dressed[pad and bandage put on] and had flu/tet, the cost £800
Phew, when my horse had an absess the vet was out at least 4 times, altogether with injections, uniprim, and other medecine the bill was no more than £300.00, maybe slightly less. Does your vet have to come far and charges mileage, this could bump it up.
I had a mild colic bill last month but it was out of hours and that was £110 with no drugs just call out and internal examination. £65 for the jab? I hope thats wrong. Have you contacted them, it all seems way over the top.
Just for info, when my horse fractured his leg recently, it was just over £100 each time to redress his leg but that was a Robert Jones type bandage and that included the vet doing it.
Good luck.
They have made a mess of it and charged twice for some drugs etc they are phoning me tomorrow when they have sorted it but I just want to know what others charge for the vac. so I have my facts straight
I believe flu and tet with vat i about £30, then some vets charge injection fees and then obviously call out on top. I paid £35 all in the other day for a flu jab - my vet was being very kind