Foal weaned and jumping out the field!!!


Well-Known Member
25 September 2006
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Weaned my foal on saturday and everything was going really well. She has been moved to my field to be away from mum ( I don't own mum) and we put her in a stable for the first two nights, she was very relaxed eating well and lying down so decided to turn her out on Monday with the shetland pony and my friends cob mare.Again everything went really well, instant friends and all was quiet.
Anyway, today my friend took her mare out to ride and my foal got upset and jumped the electric fence! Before I brought the foal home she was staying happily in the field with another foal whilst her mum was being exercised. She still had the shettie in the field but obviously feels safer with the mare. Problem is what shall i do now? Cant risk her jumping out whenever my friend wants to ride, was thinking of getting another mare companion? any ideas?


Well-Known Member
1 February 2005
N Ireland
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I am possibly not the best one to comment here as at present mine is driving me scatty and its nearly 3!
When she was weaned she got a donkey (mare) as her new friend and adores her donkey now whilst she is still happy enough with other horses there are times she will just jump out of her field to go see the donkeys again! even if mum is in field she just pops out whenever she feels like it!
we have a wall as a perimeter so its only jumping from one field to the next but I have to admit most mornings we arrive up she is somewhere different!
If you find a solution I would love to hear it, I had the vet out with her recently and he wants her to be lightly broken now as he says she is too big and if we leave it much later she will get the better of us, also it could combat the boredom of the field!
Good luck, sorry I cant be any use but they do bond well with donkeys I just wouldnt let her get too close to anything again!


Well-Known Member
5 July 2005
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It might be worth trying to get a stronger bond with the Shetland without the other mare around. Once they have settled then try re-introducing the mare for short periods.

Good luck,


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Ideally you don't want the environment that your weanling is in to change at all on a day to day basis - so having a horse that needs to come in daily from that field is not ideal.