Foalie Question


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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Hello, <<cor i have just read all this back, its long, im sorry lol>>
My baby is going to stay with her mummy at stud till she is weaned which should be around December. She is ok to stay there till the spring if I like but i would prefer to have her nearer to home (as she is about an hour away now)

There is a chance she 'might' be able to come live at the yard where I keep my other horses but the YO is thinking about it. There would only be 1 other baby there if she allows it. Im wondering if 2 will get too clingy with each other? My event horse is kind chap and always spends 2 or 3 months out in the field with no shoes on in winter but not sure if that would be a good idea as he is big and playfull so might be a disaster!

I have asked about to see if anyone else locally has had any babies but it seems not
A lady down he road has got 2 but they are just chucked out in a field and left. Id like her to be able to come in if need be and to take her to some baby shows so that doesnt really work as they are just out in a field with nowt else.

Anybody got any babies near Reading in Berkshire??? Or any other ideas?? I travel about half an hour or so in each direction from there every day with work so could be further away i guess . All I want is to do the best thing for her

Thanks for reading this


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I'd leave it at the stud to be with a load of other youngsters personally. And then bring her back home to you (or nearer you) when she is a yearling (providing you can give her some youngsters as company).


New User
19 August 2008
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I have a yearling who is just turned out with my geldings. His Mum is also with me but he is...erm...well mature in the undercarraige department.
the gelding he is with is also big and playful but is gentle with my baby. It also does me a favour as he teaches the youngster manners (saves me doing it).
He has always been with my gelding since very young (still with mum even), but he is not at all clingy. in fact, he loves coming in as he knows he is going to get fuss and attention.