Following from the BD rant, I now have a BD please


Firstly you will only understand this if you have read:

Basically following the e-mail i sent them, described in the post above, they have replied
'if you give me the name of the horse that you are talking about i can see what has been done'
I'm not sure whether to send it to them because I know the person and I would worry that BD will give her 40 points and make her Novice open (fine if they do it to everyone but not if they just make an example of her)

But I don't want to not tell them becaus they may think I was making up / exagerating the situation to get my own way with my horse but I absoloutely KNOW that this IS what happened.
And if I don't then I guess this will be then end of it and the unfair system will carry on.
Which in the long run could be very bad for the price of and demand for British schoolmasters.

Do I name names or not???????



They know the name of my horse and her registration number and my name and registration number so I don't think they mean mine as they know exactly who we are!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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honestly hun i think you should just leave it - i personally wouldnt have bothered in the first place as its only going to open all ths up and the person you have involved in this is bound to find out one way or another.

now dont get me wrong as you have every right to be angry about this, but i think it shouldve just been left and forgotten about.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Difficult one.
It sound to me as if BD are completely missing the point ... i.e. that one rule for a horse competed in Britain should be the same for any horse competed in Europe etc. Enough of all this assessment bollox, I completely agree that if an experienced horse is bought for a novice rider then by all means down grade it but there should still be restrictions on what it can compete in.

Back to the original question, I personally don't think you should name the horse so that it gets points put on. If possible you could use it as a named example with the emphasis that you wish it's current status to remain as it is.

The horsey world is so small it would be awful if the owner found out that someone had 'complained about them' to BD, and even more awful if they found out who raised it with BD.


now dont get me wrong as you have every right to be angry about this, but i think it shouldve just been left and forgotten about.

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I know what you are saying...However I was brought up to fight for what is right (I know this is not exactly life or death) but that is my principle whether the matter is big or small. I truely believe that if everyone just lets it go then that is why a) such a dumb system is still in place and b) it will stay that way.
Someone has got to say something!!
I really don't mind her finding out it was me.....if she read this board then she would know anyway. The only thig I am bothered about is them making an example of her and changing her points etc because she is the person I named....If everyone had points changed then I wouldn't feel bad that she did too!!!!


Difficult one.
It sound to me as if BD are completely missing the point ... i.e. that one rule for a horse competed in Britain should be the same for any horse competed in Europe etc. Enough of all this assessment bollox, I completely agree that if an experienced horse is bought for a novice rider then by all means down grade it but there should still be restrictions on what it can compete in.

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EXACTLY - I feel the name of the horse is irrelevant because I am taking issue with the rule as a whole and that is just the eg I know of to back up what i'm saying but I really feel that if i don't name the horse they will think that I was bluffing


Well-Known Member
14 April 2002
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I wouldnt name names. All it will do is cause problems for the other person involved. They may decide to give her points but it doesnt mean that they will give everyone points which will defeat the object.
Like PG said I would let this lie. They are a big organization and they will not change their rules just because one person is unhappy. I dont mean to be harsh as I understand where you are coming from but its reality.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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Nope - NAME them - after all this person went abroad and bought an advanced horse to go pot-hunting in the UK against genuine hard working UK people who have probably worked hard to make a silk purse out of a sows ear at Prelim level - only to have all their hard work chucked back in their face because of this rich pot-hunter

Name them - they should NOT be competing at Prelim - but also in the naming letter state that they are obviously NOT goiing to be the only imported 'ringer' and that BD should remove this 'assessment' fiasco and insist on the 'imported horse=points' system to help british breeders and genuine hard working british riders who spend hours improving the horse material they have, not going abroad and buying a designer label !!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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I agree with airdale, to make your case valid you have to give a named example. But I would stress in your reply, you are not out to get them penalised individually but to ask how the current system can be correct as it obviously must happen in other cases but this is one you know about and that they are only an EXAMPLE or the problem not the actual reason for your complaint.

Does that make sense?



Yeah it makes sense - thanks.

I think i'm going to do it. I really believe that if no-one says anything the problem will just remain.
The funny thing is that I would have guessed that if they can not make the grading system totally fair because of the different levels abroad etc and so they cannot exactly match the horses up so either the UK or imported horse is aways going to get a slight advantage over the other then i would have been sure that it would be the UK horses as this is the UK and BD profess to try and support british breeding and competing british bred horses ut to be honest I think the advantage the foeriegn horse has is just a reflection of the way it is these days and the reason that british breeders are finding it hard to improve the quantity and quality of good horses bred here. Of course it's going to be an uphill battle if even our own organisations are making it harder!


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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To be honest is not the other horse or rider who have caused this situation it is the assessment process. If that had been done correctly the horse would not have no points. It may lead to a change in system not an example made of one particular rider.

You are merely pointing out an injustice in the system - BD make the rules so it is up to them to change them if they are being applied unfairly or if a loophole is being taken advantage of

Good on you for raising it.


I wouldnt name names. All it will do is cause problems for the other person involved.

[/ QUOTE ]

But I want them to correct a system that had it been used crrectly in the first place she would never have had zero points......she will only be re-instated to the number of points she should have got in the first place.
She must know that she played the system anyway because she was told to ride "not her best"

They are a big organization and they will not change their rules just because one person is unhappy. I dont mean to be harsh as I understand where you are coming from but its reality.

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I understand this and they are not going to change the rules because I ask them to. But if 100 people ask them to then they might - each one of those is an individual so it might count. If no-one says anything then it will definately stay the same.


Also just to point out........
When downgrading a UK horse, the horses points has NOTHING to do with it, they ask the rider group of the rider the horse is being downgraded for
If the rider is group 8 (the lowest group) then the horse gets 40 points (irrelevant of how many it started with), if the rider is group 7 then the horse is downgraded to 60 points and so on. This is non-negotiable and the horse has to compete in the open sections all the way back up to the level it was downgraded from

So when a horse comes over from abroad why don't they say if it is going to be ridden in the UK by a group 8 rider then it gets 40 points, if a group 7 rider 60 points and it has to be open section.

Rather than say....well if the horse is british thats the rules and thats it BUT if your horse is foreign then come along and we'll judge you and if your not a competent group 8 rider then we'll give your horse no points and you can be restricted. They won't even look at the girl who has my horse..........she could be worse than the rider that got zero points for all they know!!!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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Having got as far as you have I think you have to name the person or BD will think that you have been wasting their time. They may or may not alter the points at issue - what they should do is reconsider this "assessment" approach that seems to be open to manipulation.