Forestry commission and other car parks


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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The FC in our area is complaining because they are getting complaints from people getting out of their parked cars and into a big pile of horse poo which a rider has not cleared up.

FC are even threatening to ' ban' horses from these locations if this doesn't stop.

Now while I think they would be on v dodgy legal ground unless they also banned walkers (a minority drop litter) and dog walkers (- minority leave dog faeces), and collective punishment isn't as far as I know a legitimate reaction to a few peebles behaviour when we have a legal right of access, that doesn't take away from the fact that while we can't pick up poo on the actual trails, there isn't any excuse for not having the courtesy to keep the car parks clear of horse dung.

Please everyone who uses any public car park when hacking out, clear up ALL of your poop from those car parks. We don't want to be having the FC being fed up with us and they also allow endurance rides etc to take place which in theory they could sort if ban by saying route marking not allowed etc and make life difficult.

Dry Rot

Well-Known Member
31 May 2010
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Although I have occasionally been known to indulge in a tiny bit of FC bashing :)rolleyes:), that doesn't sound unreasonable.

It only needs to be picked up and thrown into the bushes, just not left where people will step into it. We do it as a matter of course.