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23 October 2013
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My fresian x mare (14,1hh)has been out on loan for the past 7 years, sadly the loaners sent me a email to advise me that they are no longer to keep her and need me to remove her within a 2 week period!

I'm literally stressed as what to do, I love her with all my heart and literally want the best for her and for her to have a forever home as im unable to offer her the time that she deserves.

I need a forever home for her, she is a 20 year old mare that has done everything and taught me many things! She has the time and patience of a saint and brought me on as a rider when I first got her. She just needs someone to give her the enjoyment of life that she deserves and not stood in a field for the rest of her life and be given the love that I wish I can give to her!

But I just don't know where to start in finding her a forever home as I have been out of the equestrian world for such a long time and thought that this would be a starting point!

Any advice I would be grafteful of!

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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It is possible you will need to have vet checks, teeth especially at this age.
You could send her to a very large and busy yard where someone might see her and they can ride her.
There are retirement liveries who would be your best short term option, two weeks is not enough time.
I think pre loved do these ads.
and homes4horses

Try local tack shop, they have noticeboards, she might be perfect for someone, but finding that person is never easy.
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Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
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What would be wrong with her being in a field?

My older mare is now retired and is a field ornament - she loves it!

Perhaps you could find grass livery nearby and then advertise for a sharer? I've found pre-loved to be quite good on things like that, also it might be worth popping into a local feed merchant or tack ship as they can be quite good for pointers on livery yards/grass livery.

If you were nearer to me I'd quite happily offer you grass livery for the summer as I could do with at least an extra one in my field.